Kværner ASA: Protokoll fra Kværners ASAs ordinære generalforsamling 2019

28. mars 2019 - Kværner gjennomførte ordinær generalforsamling torsdag 28. mars 2019 i Oksenøyveien 10, 1366 Lysaker.

Alle forslag på agendaen ble vedtatt, jf. innkalling publisert som melding til Oslo Børs 6. mars 2019.
Fullstendig protokoll fra generalforsamlingen er vedlagt denne meldingen og tilgjengelig på www.kvaerner.com.


For further information, please contact:

Investor Relations:
Idar Eikrem, EVP & CFO, Kvaerner, +Mob: +47 950 28 363, email: ir@kvaerner.com

Torbjørn Andersen, Head of Communications, Kvaerner, Mob: +47 928 85 542, email: torbjorn.andersen@kvaerner.com

About Kvaerner:
Kvaerner is a leading provider of engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services, and delivers offshore installations and onshore around the world. Kværner ASA, through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Kvaerner"), is an international contractor and preferred partner for oil and gas operators and other engineering and fabrication contractors. Kvaerner and its approximately 2 700 HSSE-focused and experienced employees are recognised for delivering some of the world's most amazing and demanding projects.

In 2018, Kvaerner's Field Development segment had consolidated annual revenues of NOK 7.2 billion and the company reported an order backlog at 31 December 2018 of NOK 10.6 billion. Kvaerner is publicly listed with the ticker "KVAER" at the Oslo Stock Exchange. For further information, please visit www.kvaerner.com.

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Protokoll for Ordinaer Generalforsamling 2019