Bladder Cancer Canada celebrates ten years

The extraordinary efforts of two bladder cancer survivors ten years ago has resulted in a national organization dedicated to supporting patients and their caregivers – and significant efforts to bring an end to the 5th most common cancer in Canada.

TORONTO, May 10, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On May 11, ten years ago, two bladder cancer survivors – David Guttman and Jack Moon – took action that would positively impact countless Canadians. Seeing a gap in support and easily accessible information for bladder cancer patients, they decided to form an organization to fill the need.

Although they were just two ordinary bladder cancer patients, what they accomplished is extraordinary. Today, Bladder Cancer Canada (BCC) is a national, registered charitable non-profit corporation that has helped untold numbers of bladder cancer patients and their caregivers to cope with this disease.

The contributions of David Guttman and Jack Moon have been recognized by the Governor General of Canada. Both have received the Meritorious Service Medal for their work. Our founders’ vision was to improve patient support – it remains the cornerstone of BCC’s mission today.

BCC achieves its goals through the efforts of volunteers across Canada and with the support of distinguished, leading medical professionals on our Medical Advisory Board and our Medical Research Board – who are also volunteers.
“As we celebrate ten years of accomplishment, supported by hundreds of volunteers, in the fight against bladder cancer, we turn our eye and efforts to the future”, says Ferg Devins, Chair, Bladder Cancer Canada Board of Directors. “We continue to focus on raising awareness, supporting patients and funding research, with a fight to achieve the day when bladder cancer is just a memory,”

In addition to being the 10th anniversary of Bladder Cancer Canada, May is Bladder Cancer Awareness Month. For more information about how BCC is celebrating our 10th anniversary and about our plans for the aware month, check our website at


Tammy Northam, Executive Director, Bladder Cancer Canada

4936 Yonge St., Suite 1000, Toronto, ON M2N 6S3

Charitable Reg. No: 83612 6060 RR0001