BOURBON: Press release - Update on the research operations fo the Bourbon Rhode crew

Marseilles, October 8, 2019






Update on the search operations of the Bourbon Rhode crew

Following reports by two seafarers onboard the Alp Striker during the night of Sunday to Monday, of signals that they interpreted as potentially emanating from a distress flare, the vessel immediately set a course for the area, in coordination with the CROSS Antilles-Guyane. The CROSS called on 3 additional commercial vessels to change course and head to the area reported as being the origin of the signal. It also received air support from U.S. authorities by way of the aircraft Hercules C-130. 

The search operations led by the Alp Striker, involving namely drones, as well as the operations carried out by the three other vessels, and the flyover by the U.S. aircraft Hercules C-130, have delivered no result at this stage.

The crisis cells are pursuing their actions and BOURBON’s teams are offering daily support to the families of crewmembers of the Bourbon Rhode.


Among the market leaders in marine services for offshore oil & gas, BOURBON offers the most demanding oil & gas companies a wide range of marine services, both surface and sub-surface, for offshore oil & gas fields and wind farms. These extensive services rely on a broad range of the latest-generation vessels and the expertise of more than 8,200 skilled employees. Through its 31 operating subsidiaries the group provides local services as close as possible to customers and their operations throughout the world, of the highest standards of service and safety.

BOURBON provides three operating activities (Marine & Logistics, Mobility and Subsea Services) and also protects the French coastline for the French Navy.

In 2018, BOURBON'S revenue came to €689.5 million and the company operated a fleet of 483 vessels.

Placed by ICB (Industry Classification Benchmark) in the "Oil Services" sector, BOURBON is listed on the Euronext Paris, Compartment B.


BOURBONMedia relations agency
Publicis Consultants
Investor Relations, analysts, shareholders  Vilizara Lazarova
+33 140 138 607
+33 144 824 634
Corporate Communication  
Christelle Loisel 
+33 491 136 732



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