EMGS: Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given of the annual general meeting of Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA (“EMGS” or the “Company”). The annual general meeting will be held at the Company’s offices in Karenslyst Allé 4, 1st floor, 0278 Oslo, Norway on 19 June 2020 at 12:00 local time.

Due to the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19), shareholders are encouraged to not physically attend the meeting. Rather, shareholders should consider exercising their shareholder rights through electronic advance voting in VPS or by completing the proxy form with voting instruction.

The calling notice is attached to this stock exchange notification, and will, together with all appendixes and the Company’s annual report for 2019 be published on the Company’s webpage www.emgs.com.

For further information, please contact:
Anders Eimstad, Chief Financial Officer, +47 948 25 836

About EMGS
EMGS, the marine EM market leader, uses its proprietary electromagnetic (EM) technology to support oil and gas companies in their search for offshore hydrocarbons. EMGS supports each stage in the workflow, from survey design and data acquisition to processing and interpretation. The Company's services enable the integration of EM data with seismic and other geophysical and geological information to give explorationists a clearer and more complete understanding of the subsurface. This improves exploration efficiency and reduces risks and the finding costs per barrel.

For more information, visit www.emgs.com

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act



EMGS ASA Calling Notice 2020 AGM