New Organisation Frontmatec


August 24, 2020

New Organisation Frontmatec

Frontmatec has over the last years grown to be a global business with a strong position within primary and secondary red meat processing solutions, software and service. With an extensive product range and a large global footprint, we see an increase in demand for professional suppliers like us working closely with customers to find the best solutions in order to secure processing plants can operate effectively. This requires we in Frontmatec organise our business and priorities accordingly.

To achieve this, it has been decided to increase the management group and have a stronger focus on the primary and secondary stages taking place at our customers in their red meat processing plants as well as having a stronger attention to each geographical region.

I am sad to say Henrik Andersen, our CCO has decided to resign due to the changes. But off course I respect his decision. I would like to thank Henrik for his contribution to Frontmatec over the past four years. I am pleased that Henrik will continue to support our instruments business until 2021.

The new executive management group is:

Instruments & Control Systems, R&D and China             – Kurt Godsk Andersen, SVP
After Sales and Service                                                    – Karsten Friis, SVP
North America                                                                   – Dany Lord, President
Global Supply Chain                                                         – Morten Albin Olsen, SVP
Finance, legal and risk                                                      – Thomas N. Stenager, CFO
Group CEO and Europe                                                    – Allan JF. Kristensen, CEO

In addition, the following are reporting directly to the CEO.

Sales Europe and Export Sales from Europe                     - Andreas Iskov Jensen
Sales Support, Secondary Processing (C&D)                    - Jesper Hansen
Sales Support, Primary Processing (Kill)                            - Anders Tønnesen
Sales Hygiene and Stunning                                              - Marcus Lenz
Human Resources                                                              - Niels Vangsø
Site Director Kolding                                                           - Jakob B. Lauritsen

Arne Vraalsen

Chairman Frontmatec Group

For further information, please contact:


Arne Vraalsen, Chairman
Tel.: +41 799 448 960

About Frontmatec
Frontmatec develops world-leading customized solutions for automation in the food industry, other hygiene sensitive industries and the utilities industry. We are especially renowned for our high-quality systems for the entire value chain in the meat industry – from hygiene systems to control systems, from carcass grading to harvest lines, from cutting and deboning lines to logistics and packaging. Frontmatec employs more than 1200 employees in 10 countries with a turnover of 250M EUR.



New organisation Frontmatec