Reading Plus Awarded Research-Based Design Certification for Online Program That Builds Students’ Silent Reading Fluency

Accreditation From Digital Promise Demonstrates the Company’s Commitment to Product Development Driven by Data

WINOOSKI, Vt., Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reading Plus, a research-backed online program that uses personalized instruction to improve students’ reading proficiency, today announced it earned the Research-Based Design product certification from Digital Promise, a nonprofit developed to spur innovation in education and improve the opportunity to learn for all through technology and research. The certification is awarded after passing a rigorous assessment process and serves as a reliable signal for district and school administrators, educators, and families looking for evidence of proven educational technology products.

Reading Plus develops students’ comprehension, vocabulary, stamina, and motivation. It is the only literacy program that addresses silent reading fluency and the physical aspect of reading – the way the eyes move across a page – which impacts a student’s ability to process and retain information. Reading Plus’s patented Guided Window scaffolds the reading experience by directing the reader’s eyes, strengthening necessary visual skills associated with reading efficiency.

Reading Plus’s program is validated by more than 100 research studies, including 38 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference presentations.

“Decades of pioneering research on silent reading fluency is the cornerstone of Reading Plus,” said Dr. Alexandra Spichtig, chief research officer of Reading Plus. “It propels our program forward to help students across the country improve their reading proficiency over two grade levels in a single school year. The Research-Based Design product certification from Digital Promise showcases our commitment to rigorous research.”

To meet the Research-Based Design product certification criteria, Reading Plus proved that it consulted research about learning to inform product design; developed a theoretical framework, such as a logic model or theory of change, grounded in this research to drive product planning; and that it publicly communicates the program’s research basis.

Digital Promise launched the Research-Based Design product certification in February 2020. It uses a competency-based learning framework developed in consultation with the nonprofit’s Learner Variability Project advisory board, expert researchers in the learning sciences field, and nearly 50 educators across the United States. More information on Digital Promise’s product certifications can be found at

To learn more about the benefits of the Reading Plus program, visit

Reading Plus is a research-proven, online program that provides personalized intervention and instruction for students, improving reading proficiency between 2.0 to 2.5 grade levels in a single school year. Reading Plus develops comprehension, vocabulary, motivation and stamina, while also going beyond the offerings of other literacy programs by addressing silent reading fluency. It supports students with diverse needs, including English learners, special education, RTI/MTSS tiers 1-3, and advanced readers. Reading Plus provides educators with an easy-to-use management and reporting system, extensive resources to guide differentiated instruction, professional development and highly-rated customer support. The Reading Plus program is used in more than 5,000 schools nationally, helping over 1 million students become efficient, confident, lifelong readers. For more information visit


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Company ProfileReading Plus Industry: Software & Computer Services