The Apes Movement Community Token, announces its Official Launch on Pink Sale Finance Platform

Miami, FL, April 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Apes Movement Community Token, aiming to be an important player in the crypto space, is starting its adventure with a unique fair launch event held on April 30, 2022; the invitation is for all the interested Apes/Investors to this extraordinary event. 

The Apes Movement Community Token fair launch aims to craft a wider distribution and an effective price discovery. The project will not set a dollar price for the tokens; supply and demand in the fair launch event will. No Pre-Sale, Initial Coin Offering, Seed Round, or Whitelist before fair launch is completed; everyone has the same opportunity to acquire The AMC Token (TAMC) from day one.

The AMC Token acronym for The Apes Movement Community Token should not be associated with AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc., the publicly-traded company, as they are not linked together. The Apes Movement Community Token is not part of the company, and in any way, shape, or form is alluding to that.

Bitcoin was the original Fair Launch. Since then, no coin has reached their ideal conception. Still TAMC can replicate part of Bitcoin launch with a fair distribution to all interested investors in a self-governed community based token, giving all equal chances to be in the TAMC structure. 

The real holders of most coins in the industry are the team founders and institutional investors. In The AMC Token structure, the actual holders will be the people, as the team has renounced 92.5% of the tokens and the fair launch creates an equitable distribution. This way, The AMC Token assures that nobody can front-run anybody, no one can execute a rug pull or scam, and the audit of the Smart Contract confirms that no future tokens can be minted.

The only platform that can create an authentic fair launch is Pink Sale Finance. With their strict protocol and verification, The AMC Token guarantees the safest and best experience for investors. TAMC was created with transparency and fair economics in mind.

This is not financial advice, please download the whitepaper for more information.

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