Net Asset Value and Portfolio Summary

Molten Ventures VCT plc
LEI: 2138003I9Q1QPDSQ9Z97
Net Asset Value and Portfolio Summary
27 October 2022

Molten Ventures VCT plc (“the Company”) announces that the unaudited Net Asset Value of the Company at 31 August 2022 was 56.4p per share.

The unaudited Balance Sheet of the Company at 31 August 2022 is as follows:

Venture capital investments74,125
Current assets 
Cash at Bank32,274
Creditors: amounts due less than one year(83)
Net current assets32,399
Net Assets106,524
Capital & Reserves 
Called up share capital9,441
Capital redemption reserve890
Share premium64,039
Special reserve3,042
Capital reserve - unrealised29,670
Capital reserve - realised936
Revenue reserve(1,494)
Total shareholders' funds106,524

The unaudited investment portfolio at 31 August 2022 is summarised as follows:

   Total% by
 CostValueUnrealisedvalue of
Thought Machine Group Limited2,399,996 9,728,737 7,328,741 9.1%
Endomagnetics Limited2,147,141 6,322,410 4,175,269 5.9%
IESO Digital Health3,566,702 6,141,992 2,575,290 5.8%
Form3 (formerly Back Office Technology Ltd)1,419,974 5,463,652 4,043,679 5.1%
PrimaryBid Limited949,980 2,767,271 1,817,292 2.6%
Freetrade Ltd600,000 2,133,881 1,533,881 2.0%
Ravelin Technology Limited1,133,329 2,117,299 983,970 2.0%
Impulse Innovations Limited2,079,418 2,079,418 - 2.0%
Hadean Supercomputing Limited1,774,992 1,958,324 183,332 1.8%
Evonetix Limited1,484,960 1,881,963 397,004 1.8%
Expanding Circle Ltd (AltruistIQ)1,834,665 1,834,665 - 1.7%
River Lane Research Limited900,896 1,764,528 863,632 1.7%
BeZero Carbon Ltd1,567,037 1,567,037 - 1.5%
Focal Point Positioning Limited599,996 1,495,543 895,547 1.4%
Gardin Limited1,482,353 1,482,353 - 1.4%
Paragraf Limited1,333,329 1,333,329 - 1.3%
Cervest Limited1,312,230 1,312,230 - 1.2%
Fluidic Analytics Limited1,249,995 1,249,995 - 1.2%
Allplants Limited1,145,451 1,145,451 - 1.1%
Roomex UK Ltd1,081,000 1,080,105 (895)1.0%
Crowdcube Limited400,000 1,027,378 627,378 1.0%
Global Satellite Vu Limited977,367 977,367 - 0.9%
United Authors Publishing Ltd (Unbound)542,002 542,002 - 0.5%
Sweepr Technologies Limited514,597 507,727 (6,870)0.5%
Guybrush Limited (Agora)269,524 269,524 - 0.3%
Apperio Limited500,000 250,000 (250,000)0.2%
RealEyes Holding Limited429,995 108,433 (321,562)0.1%
Other Molten Ventures Investments6,300,590 47,752 (6,252,838)0.0%
Legacy Elderstreet Investments    
Access Intelligence PLC2,586,379 7,803,824 5,217,445 7.3%
Fords Packaging Top Co Ltd2,432,856 5,866,632 3,433,776 5.5%
Macranet Ltd T/A Sentiment Metrics1,187,169 1,187,171 2 1.1%
Cashfac plc260,101 525,253 265,152 0.5%
Fulcrum Utilities Limited385,948 151,150 (234,798)0.1%
Cashfac plc100 160 60 0.0%
Other legacy investments4,051,188 9 (4,051,179)0.0%
Cash at bank and in hand and other net current assets32,398,99832,398,998- 30.4%
Total83,300,258106,523,563 23,223,308100.0%

Unquoted investments are valued at their valuation from the most recent valuation exercise being as at 31 March 2022. Quoted investments are valued at bid price as at 31 August 2022.