Finantsaruannete ava
Finantsaruannete avaldamine 2024. aastal
December 22, 2023 05:42 ET | AS Harju Elekter Group.
AS Harju Elekter Group soovib oma aktsionäridele häid pühi ning teatab, et avaldab konsolideeritud majandustulemused 2024. aastal järgmiselt: 2023. a 4. kvartali vahearuanne           21.02.2024...
Publication of Finan
Publication of Financial Reports in 2024
December 22, 2023 05:42 ET | AS Harju Elekter Group.
AS Harju Elekter Group wishes the shareholders Happy Holidays and informs them that in the year 2024, the consolidated financial results will be published as follows: 2023 Q4 interim report...
AS-i Harju Elekter G
AS-i Harju Elekter Group majandustulemused, 1-9/2023
October 25, 2023 01:00 ET | AS Harju Elekter Group.
Harju Elektri 2023. aasta kolmanda kvartali majandustulemus oli jätkuvalt kasumlik. Tugev kasum on Harju Elektri tähtsaim jätkusuutlikkuse eesmärk, ilma milleta pole võimalik huvigruppide kasvavaid...
Harju Elekter Group
Harju Elekter Group financial results, 1-9/2023
October 25, 2023 01:00 ET | AS Harju Elekter Group.
Harju Elekter’s Q3 financial results continue to be profitable. A strong profit is Harju Elekter’s most important sustainability objective, without which it will not be possible to meet the growing...
Muudatus Harju Elekt
Muudatus Harju Elekter Oy juhatuses
October 05, 2023 02:00 ET | AS Harju Elekter Group.
AS Harju Elekter Group teavitas 15.06.2023, et alustas Harju Elekter Oy tegevjuhi otsinguid. Tänaseks on korraldatud konkurss lõppenud edukalt ja 2. jaanuarist 2024 asub Harju Elekter Oy tegevjuhiks...
Changes in the Manag
Changes in the Management Board of Harju Elekter Oy
October 05, 2023 02:00 ET | AS Harju Elekter Group.
AS Harju Elekter Group announced on 15 June 2023 that they have commenced the search for the Managing Director of Harju Elekter Oy. Today, the competition has been successfully concluded and on 2...
Täiendava osaluse om
Täiendava osaluse omandamine Energo Veritas Oüs ja juhatuse vahetus
September 29, 2023 11:00 ET | AS Harju Elekter Group.
29.09.2023 sõlmisid AS Harju Elekter Group ja Reinvent OÜ osaühingu osa müügilepingu, millega AS Harju Elekter Group omandab Reinvent OÜ-lt 19,48% suuruse osaluse Energo Veritas OÜ-s. Tehingu...
Acquisition of addit
Acquisition of additional shareholding in Energo Veritas OÜ and change of Board
September 29, 2023 11:00 ET | AS Harju Elekter Group.
On 29.09.2023, AS Harju Elekter Group and Reinvent OÜ concluded a contract of sale of a share in a private limited company, in which AS Harju Elekter Group acquires a 19.48% share in Energo Veritas...
Muudatus Harju Elekt
Muudatus Harju Elekter AB juhatuses
September 28, 2023 01:00 ET | AS Harju Elekter Group.
AS Harju Elekter Group avaldas 6.02.2023 börsiteate, milles teavitas Martin Franki asumisest Harju Elekter AB tegevjuhi kohusetäitjaks. Tänaseks on Martin Frank end ajutisel positsioonil tõestanud ja...
Changes in the Manag
Changes in the Management Board of Harju Elekter AB
September 28, 2023 01:00 ET | AS Harju Elekter Group.
AS Harju Elekter Group published a stock exchange notice on 6 February 2023 announcing Martin Frank taking over as acting director. Today, Martin Frank has proven himself in the temporary position,...