Harju Elekter kontse
Harju Elekter kontserni majandustulemused, 1-12/2022
February 22, 2023 01:00 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
Harju Elektri neljandat kvartalit ja aastat ilmestab rekordiline müügitulu, mis kasvas eelnevate perioodide võrdluses ligi 15%. Aastane müügitulu 175,3 (2021: 152,8) miljonit eurot ületab eelmisel...
Harju Elekter Group
Harju Elekter Group financial results, 1-12/2022
February 22, 2023 01:00 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
The fourth quarter and year of Harju Elekter are marked by record revenues, increasing by almost 15% compared to previous periods. Annual revenue of 175.3 (2021: 152.8) million euros exceeds the...
Harju Elekter sõlmis
Harju Elekter sõlmis ehituslepingu Allika tööstusparki tootmishoone rajamiseks
February 07, 2023 09:12 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
AS Harju Elekter teatas 8.06.2022 börsiteates, et kavandab Allika Tööstusparki uut tootmishoonet. Selle ehitamiseks sõlmisid AS Harju Elekter ja Nordecon Betoon OÜ (brändinimi NOBE) töövõtulepingu...
Harju Elekter signed
Harju Elekter signed a construction contract for a production building in the Allika Industrial Park
February 07, 2023 09:12 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
AS Harju Elekter announced in a stock exchange announcement on 8 June 2022 that they were planning to build a new production building in the Allika Industrial Park. To this end, AS Harju Elekter and...
Muudatus Harju Elekt
Muudatus Harju Elekter AB juhatuses
February 06, 2023 08:55 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
AS Harju Elekter on otsustanud poolte kokkuleppel lõpetada leping Harju Elekter AB juhataja Mikael Shwartz Jonssoniga. Mikael Jonsson jätkab juhatajana kuni 28. veebruarini 2023, peale mida võtab...
Changes in the Manag
Changes in the Management Board of Harju Elekter AB
February 06, 2023 08:55 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
AS Harju Elekter has decided, by agreement between the parties, to terminate the contract with Harju Elekter AB’s Managing Director Mikael Shwartz Jonsson. Mikael Jonsson will continue as Managing...
Harju Elekter sõlmis
Harju Elekter sõlmis lepingu olulise andmekeskuse operaatoriga Rootsis
February 02, 2023 01:00 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
Harju Elekter kontserni Rootsi tütarettevõte Harju Elekter AB sõlmis lepingu Rootsi juhtiva andmekeskuse operaatoriga atNorth, mis on laiendamas oma Rootsi andmekeskust mitmete serverihallidega....
Harju Elekter signed
Harju Elekter signed an agreement with a major data centre operator in Sweden
February 02, 2023 01:00 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
The Harju Elekter Group’s Swedish subsidiary Harju Elekter AB signed an agreement with one of Sweden’s leading data centre operators, atNorth which is expanding their data centre in Sweden with the...
AS Harju Elekter sõl
AS Harju Elekter sõlmis Coop Pank AS-ga laenulepingu
December 28, 2022 03:02 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
AS Harju Elekter ja Coop Pank AS sõlmisid 28.12.2022 laenulepingu summas 10 miljonit eurot. Muutuva intressimääraga euriboril baseeruva investeerimislaenu tähtaeg on viis aastat. Võetavat laenu...
AS Harju Elekter ent
AS Harju Elekter entered into a loan agreement with Coop Pank AS
December 28, 2022 03:02 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
On 28 December 2022, AS Harju Elekter and Coop Pank AS entered into a loan agreement in the amount of 10 million euros. The term of the investment loan with a variable interest rate based on Euribor...