Harju Elekter sõlmis
Harju Elekter sõlmis Rootsis lepingu jaotusalajaama uuendamiseks
December 23, 2022 01:00 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
Harju Elekter kontserni Rootsi tütarettevõte Harju Elekter AB sõlmis 21.12.2022 Gävle Energi AB-ga lepingu, mille alusel uuendatakse 2024. aasta veebruariks Gävle regioonis jaotusalajaam ning...
Harju Elekter conclu
Harju Elekter concluded an agreement in Sweden for the renewal of the distribution substation
December 23, 2022 01:00 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
On 21 December 2022, Harju Elekter Group’s Swedish subsidiary Harju Elekter AB signed an agreement with Gävle Energi AB, for the upgrade of the distribution substation in Gävle with accompanying...
Finantsaruannete ava
Finantsaruannete avaldamine 2023. aastal
December 19, 2022 02:51 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
AS Harju Elekter soovib oma aktsionäridele häid pühi ning teatab, et avaldab konsolideeritud majandustulemused 2023. aastal järgmiselt: 2022. a 4. kvartali vahearuanne 22.02.2023 2023. a 1. kvartali...
Publication of Finan
Publication of Financial Reports in 2023
December 19, 2022 02:51 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
AS Harju Elekter wishes to the shareholders Happy Holidays and informs that in the year 2023, the consolidated financial results of AS Harju Elekter will be published as following: 2022 Q4 results 22...
Harju Elekter ostis
Harju Elekter ostis kinnisvarafirma ja reorganiseerib Rootsi tootmise
December 16, 2022 04:07 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
AS Harju Elekter avaldas 5.10.2021 börsiteate, milles teatas, et Rootsi tütarettevõte Harju Elekter AB sõlmis lepingu Wästbygg Gruppi kuuluva LC Development Fastigheter 101 AB tütarettevõtte aktsiate...
Harju Elekter acquir
Harju Elekter acquired a real estate company and is reorganising production in Sweden
December 16, 2022 04:07 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
On 5 October 2021, AS Harju Elekter published a stock exchange release in which it announced that Harju Elekter AB, a subsidiary of AS Harju Elekter, concluded an agreement with LC Development...
Muudatused AS-i Harj
Muudatused AS-i Harju Elekter tütarettevõtjate nõukogudes
December 01, 2022 02:28 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
Seoses kontserni juhtimisstruktuuri muutmisega on otsustatud ühtlustada AS-i Harju Elekter tütarettevõtjate nõukogude koosseise. Alates 30.11.2022 kutsuti tütarettevõtjate nõukogudest tagasi: ...
Changes in the Board
Changes in the Boards of AS Harju Elekter’s subsidiaries
December 01, 2022 02:28 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
In connection with the change in the management structure of the Group, it has been decided to harmonise the memberships of the Boards of AS Harju Elekter’s subsidiaries. With effect from 30 November...
AS-i Harju Elekter j
AS-i Harju Elekter juhatuse liikmete volituste pikendamine
October 26, 2022 06:14 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
AS-i Harju Elekter nõukogu pikendas juhatuse liikmete Tiit Atso ja Aron Kuhi-Thalfeldt volitusi uueks 3-aastaseks perioodiks kuni 31.10.2025. Juhatuse esimehena jätkab Tiit Atso. Alates 14.11.2022...
The Term of Office E
The Term of Office Extension of Members of the Management Board
October 26, 2022 06:14 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
The Supervisory Board of AS Harju Elekter has extended the term of office of members of the Management Board Mr. Tiit Atso and Mr. Aron Kuhi-Thalfeldt for a new 3-year term, until 31 October 2025....