Correction: Harju El
Correction: Harju Elekter Group financial results, 1-9/2022
October 26, 2022 03:46 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
In the English version of the stock exchange announcement published today, 26.10.2022, there is an error in the table of the consolidated statement of profit and loss. The net profit for Q3 of 2022 is...
Harju Elekter kontse
Harju Elekter kontserni majandustulemused, 1-9/2022
October 26, 2022 01:00 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
Harju Elektri kolmanda kvartali tulemused andsid hetkeks põhjust rõõmustada, sest kontsern saavutas põhitegevusega rekordilise müügitulu ja parandas kasumlikkust. Tänases ebastabiilses keskkonnas on...
Harju Elekter Group
Harju Elekter Group financial results, 1-9/2022
October 26, 2022 01:00 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
Harju Elekter’s results in the third quarter gave reason to rejoice for a moment, as the Group achieved record revenue with its main activity and improved its profitability. In today’s unstable...
Grupisisene restrukt
Grupisisene restruktureerimine ja muudatus tütarettevõtja juhatuses.
September 26, 2022 01:00 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
Juhtimise ühtlustamise ja sünergia suurendamise eesmärgil jätkab AS Harju Elekter 2020. aastal alustatud grupisisest restruktureerimist ning kavandab Eestis asuvate tehaste ühendamist, mille käigus AS...
Intra-group restruct
Intra-group restructuring and change in the Management Board of a subsidiary.
September 26, 2022 01:00 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
In order to harmonise management and increase synergies, AS Harju Elekter will continue the internal restructuring started in 2020 and plans to merge its plants in Estonia, whereby the production of...
Enefit Connect OÜ nõ
Enefit Connect OÜ nõue Harju Elektri tütarettevõtjale
September 22, 2022 02:54 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
AS Harju Elekter teavitas 20.05.2022 avaldatud börsiteates tütarettevõtja Energo Veritas OÜ poolt Enefit Connect OÜ-ga sõlmitud hermeetiliste jaotustrafode raamlepingute ülesütlemisest ning et Enefit...
Enefit Connect OÜ’s
Enefit Connect OÜ’s claim against the subsidiary of Harju Elekter
September 22, 2022 02:54 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
In its stock exchange release published on 20 May 2022, AS Harju Elekter announced the termination of the framework agreements for hermetic distribution transformers concluded by its subsidiary Energo...
Muudatus AS-i Harju
Muudatus AS-i Harju Elekter juhatuses
August 12, 2022 01:00 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
AS-i Harju Elekter nõukogu valis uueks juhatuse liikmeks ja finantsjuhiks Priit Treiali, kes asub ametisse alates 14. novembrist 2022 ja tema volituste tähtaeg on kolm aastat. Priit Treial on alates...
Changes in managemen
Changes in management board of AS Harju Elekter
August 12, 2022 01:00 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
Supervisory board of AS Harju Elekter elected Mr Priit Treial as the new member of the board and chief financial officer of the company, taking office on 14 November 2022 and his term of office is...
Harju Elekter signed
Harju Elekter signed a contract with the European Organization for Nuclear Research
July 27, 2022 03:00 ET | HARJU ELEKTER AS
AS Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika, the Estonian manufacturing company of Harju Elekter Group, signed on 26 July 2022 a three-year contract with CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, for...