AS LHV Pank omandab
AS LHV Pank omandab Versobank AS-i laenuportfelli
December 20, 2018 09:30 ET | AS LHV Group
AS LHV Pank ja Versobank AS (likvideerimisel) sõlmisid 19. detsembril lepingu, mille kohaselt omandab AS LHV Pank ligikaudu 18,4 miljoni euro eest Versobank AS-i laenuportfelli. Hinna täpne summa...
AS LHV Pank acquires
AS LHV Pank acquires the loan portfolio of Versobank AS
December 20, 2018 09:30 ET | AS LHV Group
AS LHV Pank and Versobank AS (under liquidation), have on December 19 entered into an agreement, according to which AS LHV Pank will acquire the loan portfolio of Versobank AS for approximately EUR...
AS LHV Pank emiteeri
AS LHV Pank emiteerib AS-ile LHV Group 10 miljoni euro väärtuses võlakirju
December 20, 2018 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
AS-i LHV Pank nõukogu otsustas 19. detsembril toimunud koosolekul väljastada allutatud võlakirju, mille abil saab AS LHV Group investeerida tütarettevõttesse edasi võlakirjade avaliku pakkumisega...
AS LHV Pank issues E
AS LHV Pank issues EUR 10 million of bonds to AS LHV Group
December 20, 2018 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
At its meeting on 19 December, the Supervisory Board of AS LHV Pank decided to issue subordinated bonds, allowing AS LHV Group to invest into its subsidiary the capital gathered with a public offer of...
Reitinguagentuur Moo
Reitinguagentuur Moody’s kinnitas LHV Pangale krediidireitingu tasemel Baa1
December 19, 2018 09:23 ET | AS LHV Group
Moody’s Investors Service kinnitas AS-ile LHV Pank investeerimisjärgu tasemel krediidireitingu stabiilse väljavaatega. Tegemist on esimese korraga kui LHV rahvusvaheliselt reitinguagentuurilt...
The rating agency Mo
The rating agency Moody’s assigned LHV Pank a credit rating of Baa1
December 19, 2018 09:23 ET | AS LHV Group
Moody’s Investors Service assigned AS LHV Pank an investment-grade credit rating with a stable outlook. This is the first time LHV has obtained an investment-grade rating from an international rating...
LHV Groupi 2018. aas
LHV Groupi 2018. aasta novembri tulemused
December 11, 2018 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
AS LHV Group teenis novembris 2,5 miljonit eurot konsolideeritud puhaskasumit: AS LHV Pank teenis 2,0 miljonit eurot puhaskasumit ja AS LHV Varahaldus 0,6 miljonit eurot. LHV Groupi juhataja Madis...
LHV Group results fo
LHV Group results for November 2018
December 11, 2018 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
In November, AS LHV Group earnt EUR 2.5 million in consolidated net profit: AS LHV Pank earnt EUR 2.0 million in net profit and AS LHV Varahaldus EUR 0.6 million. Comment of Madis Toomsalu, Managing...
AS-i LHV Group allut
AS-i LHV Group allutatud võlakirjade märkimistulemused
November 28, 2018 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
Eile, 27. novembril, lõppes AS-i LHV Group allutatud võlakirjade avalik pakkumine. Kuna emissiooni esialgne maht 16 miljonit eurot märgiti üle, kasutas LHV õigust suurendada emissiooni mahtu...
Outcome of Subscript
Outcome of Subscription to AS LHV Group Subordinated Bonds
November 28, 2018 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
Public offering of AS LHV Group subordinated bonds ended yesterday, on 27 November. Since the initial issue volume of EUR 16 million was oversubscribed, LHV used its right to increase the issue volume...