Nõukogu uuendas Serg
Nõukogu uuendas Sergei Bogatenkovi volitusi Admiral Markets AS-i juhatuse esimehena
December 11, 2021 03:25 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS-i nõukogu otsustas pikendada Sergei Bogatenkovi volitusi Admiral Markets AS-i juhatuse esimehena. Tema senised volitused kehtisid 18. detsembrini 2021 ning volitusi pikendati kolm...
The Supervisory Boar
The Supervisory Board renewed the authority of Sergei Bogatenkov as the Chairman of the Management Board of Admiral Markets AS
December 11, 2021 03:25 ET | Admiral Markets AS
The Supervisory Board of Admiral Markets AS decided to extend the term of office of Sergei Bogatenkov as the Chairman of the Management Board of Admiral Markets AS. His current mandate has been valid...
 Teavitus Admiral Ma
Teavitus Admiral Markets AS audiitori määramisest majandusaastaks 
November 22, 2021 03:17 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS (AM AS) annab teada, et ettevõtte ainuaktsionär Admirals Group AS määras ühingu 2021. a majandusaasta audiitoriks audiitorettevõtte AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registrikood...
   Notification of t
Notification of the appointment of the auditor of Admiral Markets AS for the financial year
November 22, 2021 03:17 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS (AM AS) announces that the sole shareholder of the company, Admirals Group AS, has appointed the auditing company AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registry code 10142876) as the company's...
Admiral Markets AS 2
Admiral Markets AS 2021. aasta 6 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
August 31, 2021 10:20 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admirals jätkas 2021. aasta esimesel poolaastal otsustavat laienemist  2021. aasta kuue kuu jooksul jätkas Admiral Markets AS võimsa arendustegevusega ülemaailmset...
Admiral Markets AS 2
Admiral Markets AS 2021 Unaudited 6 Months Financial Results
August 31, 2021 10:20 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admirals firmly pursued its global expansion in the first half of 2021   During the six months of 2021, Admiral Markets AS continued its global expansion, with pioneering developments...
Muudatus Admiral Mar
Muudatus Admiral Markets AS juhatuses  
August 03, 2021 10:05 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS-i nõukogu nimetas uueks ühingu juhatuse liikmeks alates 02.08.2021 Andrey Koks’i. Admiral Markets AS-i juhatusse kuulub alates 02.08.2021 kolm liiget: Sergei Bogatenkov, Andrey...
  Changes in the Man
Changes in the Management Board of Admiral Markets AS
August 03, 2021 10:05 ET | Admiral Markets AS
The Supervisory Board of Admiral Markets AS has appointed Andrey Koks as a new member of the Management Board as of 2 August 2021. As of 02.08.2021, the Management Board of Admiral Markets AS consists...
Admiral Markets AS a
Admiral Markets AS avab tütarühingu Jordaanias
June 21, 2021 07:07 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS laieneb ning avab tütarühingu Jordaanias. Tegemist on ettevõtte pikaajalise strateegia elluviimisega, mille üheks eesmärgiks on jätkata laienemist Lähis-Ida ja Põhja-Aafrika (MENA)...
Admiral Markets AS o
Admiral Markets AS opens a subsidiary in Jordan
June 21, 2021 07:07 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS is expanding and opening a subsidiary in Jordan. It is the implementation of the company's long-term strategy, one of the goals of which is to continue expanding in the Middle East...