Muudatused Admiral M
Muudatused Admiral Markets AS juhatuses ja nõukogus
June 18, 2021 08:33 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS annab teada, et tulenevalt juhatuse liikme Victor Gherbovet poolt esitatud tagasiastumise avaldusest ei jätka Victor Gherbovet Admiral Markets AS-i juhatuses alates 01.07.2021, st...
Changes in the Manag
Changes in the Management Board and Supervisory Board of Admiral Markets AS
June 18, 2021 08:33 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS announces that due to the resignation application submitted by the member of the Management Board Victor Gherbovet, Victor Gherbovet will not continue in the Management Board of...
Jõustus Tallinna Rin
Jõustus Tallinna Ringkonnakohtu määrus, mis tühistas Finantsinspektsiooni trahvi Admiral Markets AS suhtes
June 11, 2021 03:44 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Jõustus Tallinna Ringkonnakohtu määrus, mis jättis Finantsinspektsiooni kaebuse rahuldamata ja nõustus Maakohtu otsusega tühistada Finantsinspektsiooni 08.02.2021.a trahv Admiral Markets AS suhtes. ...
The order of the Tal
The order of the Tallinn Circuit Court, revoking the fine of the Financial Supervision Authority against Admiral Markets AS, entered into the force
June 11, 2021 03:44 ET | Admiral Markets AS
  The order of the Tallinn Circuit Court entered into the force, which annulled the fine of the Financial Supervision Authority against Admiral Markets AS. On February 8, 2021,...
Tallinna Ringkonnako
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus jättis Finantsinspektsiooni kaebuse rahuldamata ja nõustus Maakohtu otsusega tühistada Finantsinspektsiooni 08.02.2021.a trahv Admiral Markets AS suhtes
May 25, 2021 07:17 ET | Admiral Markets AS
8. veebruaril 2021 edastas Finantsinspektsioon (FSA) Admiral Markets AS-ile otsuse, mille kohaselt määrati ettevõttele trahv. Finantsinspektsioonil sõnul ei olnud Admiral Markets AS pärast...
The Tallinn Circuit
The Tallinn Circuit Court rejected the appeal of the Financial Supervision Authority and agreed with the order of the Harju County Court to revoke the fine of the Financial Supervision Authority against Admiral Markets AS
May 25, 2021 07:17 ET | Admiral Markets AS
On February 8, 2021, Finantsinspektsioon (FSA) forwarded a decision to Admiral Markets AS notifying the company about an imposed fine. According to the regulator Admiral Markets AS had not acted...
Harju Maakohus tühis
Harju Maakohus tühistas Finantsinspektsiooni 08.02.2021.a otsuse Admiral Markets AS suhtes
April 01, 2021 07:25 ET | Admiral Markets
8. veebruaril 2021 edastas Finantsinspektsioon (FSA) Admiral Markets AS-ile otsuse, mille kohaselt määrati ettevõttele trahv. Finantsinspektsiooni sõnul ei olnud Admiral Markets AS pärast toornafta...
Harju County Court a
Harju County Court annulled the decision of the Finantsinspektsioon (FSA) from 08.02.2021 regarding Admiral Markets AS
April 01, 2021 07:25 ET | Admiral Markets
On February 8, 2021, Finantsinspektsioon (FSA) forwarded a decision to Admiral Markets AS notifying the company about an imposed fine. According to the regulator Admiral Markets AS had not acted...
Correction For: Admi
Correction For: Admiral Markets AS Audited Annual Report 2020
March 31, 2021 13:05 ET | Admiral Markets
Correction: Release text added in English In 2020, Admiral Markets AS set a profit record of operation 2020 marked Admiral Markets AS’ most successful year. The company's net profit was 20.3 million...
Admiral Markets AS a
Admiral Markets AS auditeeritud aastaaruanne 2020
March 31, 2021 11:08 ET | Admiral Markets
Admiral Markets AS püstitas 2020. aastal tegutsemisaja kasumirekordi 2020. aasta oli Admiral Markets AS tegutsemisaja edukaim. Ettevõtte puhaskasum oli 20,3 miljonit eurot, mida on 340% rohkem...