Muudatused Admirals Group AS nõukogus ja juhatuses
February 08, 2024 12:12 ET | Admirals Group AS
Admirals Group AS teatas muudatustest oma nõukogu ja juhatuse struktuuris.  Admirals Group AS-i nõukogu võttis vastu juhatuse esimehe Sergei Bogatenkovi lahkumisavalduse ning tema viimane tööpäev...
Changes in the Supervisory and Management Board of Admirals Group AS
February 08, 2024 12:12 ET | Admirals Group AS
Admirals Group AS has announced a change to its Supervisory and Management Board structure.   The Supervisory Board of Admirals Group AS has accepted the resignation letter of the Chairman of the...
Muudatused Admirals Group AS juhatuses
January 17, 2024 05:03 ET | Admirals Group AS
Admirals Group AS pikaajaline tegevjuht ja juhatuse esimees Sergei Bogatenkov teatas täna ettevõtte nõukogule soovist ettevõttest lahkuda. Oma otsusest ettevõttest lahkuda teatas nõukogule ka...
Changes in the Management Board of Admirals Group AS
January 17, 2024 05:03 ET | Admirals Group AS
The long-term CEO and Chairman of the Management Board of Admirals Group AS, Sergei Bogatenkov, informed the company's Supervisory Board today of his desire to leave the company. Also, a long-time...
Muudatused Admirals Group AS nõukogus ja juhatuses
January 08, 2024 06:55 ET | Admirals Group AS
Admirals Group AS teatas muudatusest oma nõukogu ja juhatuse struktuuris. Ettevõtte aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsusega kutsuti alates 3. jaanuarist 2024 tagasi Admiral Group AS-i nõukogu liige Anton...
Changes in the Supervisory and Management Board of Admirals Group AS
January 08, 2024 06:55 ET | Admirals Group AS
Admirals Group AS has announced a change to its supervisory and management board structure.  According to the Company’s general meeting of shareholders’ decision, Anton Tikhomirov, the member of...
Muudatus Admirals Group AS nõukogus
December 05, 2023 10:56 ET | Admirals Group AS
Admirals Group AS teatab muudatusest oma nõukogu struktuuris. Ettevõtte pikaegne nõukogu liige Fedor Ragin siirdub juhtivale ametikohale Admirals Groupis. Selle ametisse nimetamisega lõpeb tema...
Changes in the Supervisory Board of Admirals Group AS
December 05, 2023 10:56 ET | Admirals Group AS
Admirals Group AS has announced a change to its supervisory board structure. Long-term supervisory board member, Fedor Ragin, will transition to the executive position within Admirals Group. This...
Teavitus Admirals Group AS audiitori määramisest majandusaastaks
September 18, 2023 14:19 ET | Admirals Group AS
Admirals Group AS annab teada, et on määranud ettevõtte 2023. a majandusaasta audiitoriks audiitorettevõtte AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registrikood 10142876). Audiitorile makstakse tasu vastavalt...
Notification of the appointment of the auditor of Admirals Group AS for the financial year
September 18, 2023 14:19 ET | Admirals Group AS
Admirals Group AS announces that it has appointed the auditing company AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registry code 10142876) as the company's auditor for the financial year 2023. The auditor is...