Admirals Group AS 2022. aasta 12 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
February 28, 2023 11:35 ET | Admirals Group AS
2022. aasta oli Admirals Group AS-i jaoks ajaloo edukaim  2022. aasta oli Admiralsi 22 tegevusaasta edukaim. Ettevõte saavutas nii kauplemistegevuse netotulu, puhaskasumi kui aktiivsete...
Admirals Group AS unaudited 12 months financial results of 2022
February 28, 2023 11:35 ET | Admirals Group AS
2022 was the most successful year in history for Admirals Group AS  2022 was the most successful of Admirals' 22 years of operation. The company achieved records in net trading revenue, net profit...
Admirals laiendab Aafrikas olevaid litsentse 
December 29, 2022 13:34 ET | Admirals Group AS
Capital Markets Authority (CMA) on kapitaliturgude määruste alusel litsenseerinud Admirals Kenya Limitedi veebipõhise valuutakaubanduse maaklerina. Admirals loodab, et sellise litsentsi saamine aitab...
Admirals Expands Licenses in Africa
December 29, 2022 13:34 ET | Admirals Group AS
The Capital Markets Authority (CMA) has licenced Admirals Kenya Limited as a non-dealing online forex trading broker under the Capital Markets Regulations. Admirals hopes the achieving of this license...
Muudatus Admirals Group AS juhatuses 
October 31, 2022 09:23 ET | Admirals Group AS
Admirals Group AS juhatuses toimub muudatus, kuna ettevõtte juhatuse liige Roman Krutyanskiy lahkub ettevõttest. Roman Krutyanskiy juhatuse liikme volitused lõppevad 31.10.2022.  Admirals Group AS...
Changes in the Management Board of Admirals Group AS 
October 31, 2022 09:23 ET | Admirals Group AS
There will be a change in the Management Board of Admirals Group AS, as the board-member of the company, Roman Krutyanskiy, will be leaving the company. His authorization as a member of the Management...
Teavitus Admirals Group AS audiitori määramisest majandusaastaks 
September 19, 2022 12:04 ET | Admirals Group AS
Admirals Group AS annab teada, et on määranud ettevõtte 2022. a majandusaasta audiitoriks audiitorettevõtte AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registrikood 10142876). Audiitorile makstakse tasu vastavalt...
Notification of the appointment of the auditor of Admirals Group AS for the financial year
September 19, 2022 12:04 ET | Admirals Group AS
Admirals Group AS announces that it has appointed the auditing company AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registry code 10142876) as the company's auditor for the financial year 2022. The auditor is...
Parandus: Admirals Group AS 2022. aasta 6 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
September 01, 2022 10:38 ET | Admirals Group AS
Uuendatud info: Koondkasumiaruandes lisatud 2022. aasta esimese kuue kuu võrdlus 2021. aasta sama perioodiga. Admiralsi tulemused on erakordsed  Võrreldes eelmise aasta sama...
Correction: Admirals Group AS 2022 Unaudited 6 Months Financial Results
September 01, 2022 10:38 ET | Admirals Group AS
Updated information: In the Statement of Comprehensive Income added comparison of the first six months of 2022 to the the first six months of 2021. Admirals' results are exceptional  ...