Kokkuvõte Baltic Hor
Kokkuvõte Baltic Horizon Fondi veebiseminarist
June 26, 2024 12:15 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
26. juunil 2024. a toimus Baltic Horizoni korraldatud veebiseminar, kus fondijuht Tarmo Karotam andis ülevaate kavast uute osakute emiteerimiseks suunatud pakkumise teel. Fondijuht käsitles...
 Meraki refinantseer
Meraki refinantseerimise lõpule viimiseks taotleb Baltic Horizon Fond vabastust ning võlakirjaomanike nõusolekut võlakirjatingimuste alusel
June 21, 2024 16:00 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Baltic Horizon Fond taotleb pandiga koormamist keelava kokkuleppe (ingl. k negative pledge) täitmise vabastust seoses Baltic Horizon Fondi 42 miljoni euro väärtuses emiteeritud 5-aastase tähtajaga...
In order to complete
In order to complete Meraki refinancing Baltic Horizon Fund requests for a waiver and bondholders consent under the bond terms and conditions
June 21, 2024 16:00 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Baltic Horizon Fund applies for a waiver of negative pledge undertaking in relation to Baltic Horizon Fund EUR 42 million 5-year floating rate bonds maturing in 2028 (ISIN EE3300003235, the Bonds)....
In order to complete
In order to complete Meraki refinancing Baltic Horizon Fund requests for a waiver and bondholders consent under the bond terms and conditions
June 21, 2024 16:00 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Baltic Horizon Fund applies for a waiver of negative pledge undertaking in relation to Baltic Horizon Fund EUR 42 million 5-year floating rate bonds maturing in 2028 (ISIN EE3300003235, the Bonds)....
Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for May 2024
June 17, 2024 13:00 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
The net asset value (NAV) per unit of the Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) amounted to EUR 0.9070 at the end of May 2024 (0.9078 as of 30 April 2024). The month-end total net asset value of the Fund was...
Baltic Horizon Fond avaldab osaku puhasväärtuse 2024. aasta mai seisuga
June 17, 2024 13:00 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Baltic Horizon Fondi (Fond) osaku puhasväärtus (NAV) 2024. aasta mai lõpu seisuga on 0,9070 eurot osaku kohta (30. aprill 2024: 0,9078). Fondi kogu puhasväärtus võrreldes eelneva kuu lõpu seisuga...
Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for May 2024
June 17, 2024 13:00 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
The net asset value (NAV) per unit of the Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) amounted to EUR 0.9070 at the end of May 2024 (0.9078 as of 30 April 2024). The month-end total net asset value of the Fund was...
Baltic Horizon Fond
Baltic Horizon Fond plaanib lunastada ennetähtaegselt osa võlakirju
June 14, 2024 08:40 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Käesolevaga annab Baltic Horizon Fond teada, et plaanib lunastada kolmanda osa võlakirjadest 7 999 999,40 euro ulatuses 8. juulil 2024. Lunastamine plaanitakse läbi viia võlakirjade nimiväärtuse...
Baltic Horizon Fund
Baltic Horizon Fund plans to redeem early part of the bonds
June 14, 2024 08:40 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Baltic Horizon Fund hereby announces that it plans to redeem the third part of the bonds in the total nominal amount of EUR 7,999,999.40 on 8 July 2024. The redemption is planned to be carried out by...
Baltic Horizon Fund
Baltic Horizon Fund plans to redeem early part of the bonds
June 14, 2024 08:40 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Baltic Horizon Fund hereby announces that it plans to redeem the third part of the bonds in the total nominal amount of EUR 7,999,999.40 on 8 July 2024. The redemption is planned to be carried out by...