Baltic Horizon Fond
Baltic Horizon Fond korraldab investorite veebiseminari tutvustamaks kava uute osakute emiteerimiseks suunatud pakkumise teel
June 14, 2024 02:00 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Baltic Horizon Fondi investorite üldkoosolek toimub 2. juulil 2024.a (vt börsiteated ja...
Baltic Horizon Fund
Baltic Horizon Fund will hold an investor webinar to introduce the plan to issue new units by private placement
June 14, 2024 02:00 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Baltic Horizon Fund will hold a general meeting of investors on 2 July 2024 (see announcements and...
Baltic Horizon Fund
Baltic Horizon Fund will hold an investor webinar to introduce the plan to issue new units by private placement
June 14, 2024 02:00 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Baltic Horizon Fund will hold a general meeting of investors on 2 July 2024 (see announcements and...
Parandusteade: Balti
Parandusteade: Baltic Horizon Fondi osakuomanike üldkoosolek: teade investoritele
June 12, 2024 05:05 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Teates on korrigeeritud Rootsi hoidmistunnistuse (edaspidi „SDR“) omanike suhtes kehtivat üldkoosolekul osalemise õiguse fikseerimise päeva. Northern Horizon Capital AS parandab 10. juunil 2024...
Correction: Baltic H
Correction: Baltic Horizon Fund General Meeting - notice to investors
June 12, 2024 05:05 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
In the correction notice, the record date for the Swedish Depositary Receipt (hereinafter the “SDR”) holders is corrected. Northern Horizon Capital AS hereby corrects information presented in the...
Correction: Baltic H
Correction: Baltic Horizon Fund General Meeting - notice to investors
June 12, 2024 05:05 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
In the correction notice, the record date for the Swedish Depositary Receipt (hereinafter the “SDR”) holders is corrected. Northern Horizon Capital AS hereby corrects information presented in the...
Baltic Horizon Fund General Meeting - notice to investors
June 10, 2024 11:30 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Northern Horizon Capital AS invites Baltic Horizon Fund unit-holders and Swedish Depositary Receipt (hereinafter the “SDR”) holders (hereinafter together the “Investors”) to attend an extraordinary...
Baltic Horizon Fondi osakuomanike üldkoosolek: teade investoritele
June 10, 2024 11:30 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Northern Horizon Capital AS kutsub Baltic Horizon Fondi osakuomanikke ja Rootsi hoidmistunnistuse (edaspidi „SDR“) omanikke (edaspidi koos „investorid“) erakorralisele üldkoosolekule, mis toimub 2....
Baltic Horizon Fund General Meeting - notice to investors
June 10, 2024 11:30 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Northern Horizon Capital AS invites Baltic Horizon Fund unit-holders and Swedish Depositary Receipt (hereinafter the “SDR”) holders (hereinafter together the “Investors”) to attend an extraordinary...
Baltic Horizon Fund general meeting of investors
June 03, 2024 10:00 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Annual General Meeting of Baltic Horizon Fund investors took place on 3 June 2024 in Tallinn, Estonia.   Proposed agenda of the meeting was the following: Presentation of the FY2023 audited...