Northern Horizon Cap
Northern Horizon Capital AS 2023 Annual Report
April 25, 2024 10:55 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
The general meeting of shareholders of Northern Horizon Capital AS, the management company of Baltic Horizon Fund, has approved the management company’s audited annual report of year 2023. The report,...
Northern Horizon Capital AS 2023 Annual Report
April 25, 2024 10:55 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
The general meeting of shareholders of Northern Horizon Capital AS, the management company of Baltic Horizon Fund, has approved the management company’s audited annual report of year 2023. The report,...
Baltic Horizon Fond
Baltic Horizon Fond avaldab osaku puhasväärtuse 2024. aasta märtsi seisuga
April 15, 2024 15:05 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Baltic Horizon Fondi (Fond) osaku puhasväärtus (NAV) 2024. aasta märtsi lõpu seisuga on 0,9087 eurot osaku kohta. Fondi osaku puhasväärtus võrreldes eelneva kuu lõpu seisuga kahanes 0,4% (29. veebruar...
Baltic Horizon Fund
Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for March 2024
April 15, 2024 15:05 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
The net asset value (NAV) per unit of the Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) amounted to EUR 0.9087 at the end of March 2024, decreasing by 0.4% over the month (0.9126 as of 29 February 2024). The...
Baltic Horizon Fund
Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for March 2024
April 15, 2024 15:05 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
The net asset value (NAV) per unit of the Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) amounted to EUR 0.9087 at the end of March 2024, decreasing by 0.4% over the month (0.9126 as of 29 February 2024). The...
Baltic Horizon Fund redeemed early part of the bonds
April 08, 2024 14:00 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Baltic Horizon Fund announced on 15 March 2024 via stock exchange announcement a plan to redeem partially the bonds issued on 8 May 2023 (ISIN code EE3300003235) on 8 April 2024. Baltic Horizon Fund...
Baltic Horizon Fond lunastas ennetähtaegselt osa võlakirju
April 08, 2024 14:00 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Baltic Horizon Fond teavitas 15. märtsil 2024 avaldatud börsiteate vahendusel plaanist lunastada 8. aprillil 2024 osa võlakirjadest, mis emiteeriti 8. mail 2023 (ISIN-kood EE3300003235). Käesolevaga...
Baltic Horizon Fund redeemed early part of the bonds
April 08, 2024 14:00 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Baltic Horizon Fund announced on 15 March 2024 via stock exchange announcement a plan to redeem partially the bonds issued on 8 May 2023 (ISIN code EE3300003235) on 8 April 2024. Baltic Horizon Fund...
Baltic Horizon Fondi
Baltic Horizon Fondi 2023. aasta konsolideeritud auditeeritud finantstulemused
March 29, 2024 05:35 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Northern Horizon Capital AS-i juhatus on kinnitanud Baltic Horizon Fondi (fond) 2023. aasta auditeeritud majandustulemused. Finantstulemused jäid samaks, võrreldes esialgse avalikustamisega 15....
Baltic Horizon Fund
Baltic Horizon Fund consolidated audited results for 2023
March 29, 2024 05:35 ET | Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital
Management Board of Northern Horizon Capital AS has approved the audited financial results of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) for the year 2023. The financial results remained unchanged compared to the...