Press release from the Annual General Meeting of Bulten AB (publ) April 26, 2016
April 26, 2016 13:00 ET | Bulten AB
Bulten AB (publ) held its Annual General Meeting today, Tuesday 26 April. A summary of the decisions made at the meeting is presented below. xxx Adoption of the income statement and balance sheet,...
Changed dividend policy in Bulten AB (publ) as of financial year 2016
April 26, 2016 13:00 ET | Bulten AB
The Board of Bulten AB (publ) has decided to change the company's dividend policy. The Board of Bulten AB (publ) has today April 26, 2016 reviewed and decided to change the company's dividend policy...
Bultens Q1 rapport 2016
April 26, 2016 07:30 ET | Bulten AB
Förbättrad lönsamhet och god orderingång. FÖRSTA KVARTALET · Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 715 (713) MSEK, en ökning med 0,3% jämfört med samma period föregående år. · Rörelseresultatet (EBIT)...
Bulten’s Q1 report 2016
April 26, 2016 07:30 ET | Bulten AB
Improved profitability and good order intake. FIRST QUARTER · Net sales reached SEK 715 million (713), up 0.3% on the same period last year. · Operating earnings (EBIT) were SEK 55 million (36),...
Invitation to conference call regarding Bulten’s Q1 report 2016
April 14, 2016 10:10 ET | Bulten AB
Bulten’s Q1 report for the period January –  March 2016 will be published on Tuesday 26 April 2016, at approximately 13:30 CET. Investors, analysts and media are invited to participate in the...
Inbjudan till telefonkonferens avseende Bultens Q1 rapport 2016
April 14, 2016 10:10 ET | Bulten AB
Bultens interimsrapport för januari – mars 2016 offentliggörs tisdagen den 26 april 2016  ca kl.13:30. Investerare, analytiker och media hälsas välkomna att delta i telefonkonferens tisdagen den 26...
Bulten’s Swedish Annual Report for the 2015 financial year published
April 04, 2016 06:15 ET | Bulten AB
The Swedish language version of Bulten’s Annual Report for the 2015 financial year is today published on the company’s website The English web version is expected to be available in...
Bultens svenska årsredovisning för verksamhetsåret 2015 publicerad
April 04, 2016 06:15 ET | Bulten AB
Bultens svenska version av årsredovisningen för verksamhetsåret 2015 har idag publicerats på bolagets hemsida Den engelska versionen beräknas bli tillgänglig på hemsidan under vecka...
Kallelse till årsstämma i Bulten AB (publ)
March 23, 2016 16:20 ET | Bulten AB
Aktieägarna i Bulten AB (publ), org. nr 556668-2141, kallas till årsstämma tisdagen den 26 april 2016 kl. 17.00 på bolagets huvudkontor, August Barks gata 6A i Göteborg. Inregistrering till stämman...
Notice to attend Annual General Meeting of Bulten AB (publ)
March 23, 2016 16:20 ET | Bulten AB
The shareholders of Bulten AB (publ), reg. no. 556668-2141, are invited to the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday April 26, 2016 at 17.00 at the company’s head office, at August Barks gata 6A,...