Izmaiņas AS „Citadel
Izmaiņas AS „Citadele banka” statūtos
June 29, 2017 09:10 ET | Citadele banka
Lai stiprinātu un nodrošinātu vēl labāku AS „Citadele banka” korporatīvo pārvaldību, 2017. gada 29. jūnija Akcionāru pilnsapulcē tika apstiprinātas izmaiņas AS „Citadele banka” statūtos, kas paredz...
Changes in AS “Citad
Changes in AS “Citadele banka” Articles of Association
June 29, 2017 09:10 ET | Citadele banka
To strengthen and ensure even better AS „Citadele banka” corporate governance, changes in the Articles of Association was approved in 29 June 2017 Shareholder’s meeting, foreseeing the increase of...
AS “Citadele banka”
AS “Citadele banka” Public Financial Information for the first quarter of 2017
May 31, 2017 10:12 ET | Citadele banka
Citadele Group’s net loan portfolio continued to grow, reaching EUR 1.273 billion at the end of Q1 2017, representing a 6% increase compared with the same period in 2016. In-line with the Group’s...
AS ”Citadele banka”
AS ”Citadele banka” 2017. gada 1. ceturkšņa publiskais pārskats
May 31, 2017 10:12 ET | Citadele banka
Citadeles grupas neto kredītu portfelis turpināja pieaugt, sasniedzot 1,273 miljardus eiro, kas ir  6% pieaugums salīdzinājumā ar šo pašu periodu 2016. gadā. Atbilstoši Citadeles stratēģijai...
AS "Citadele banka”
AS "Citadele banka” padomē darbu sāk Ketrīna Eštone
May 08, 2017 03:44 ET | Citadele banka
Finanšu un kapitāla tirgus komisija ir apstiprinājusi AS “Citadele banka” padomē jaunu locekli – Baronesi Ketrīnu Eštoni (Baroness Catherine Ashton). Jaunievēlētā padomes locekle savus amata...
Catherine Ashton joi
Catherine Ashton joins AS “Citadele banka” Supervisory Board
May 08, 2017 03:44 ET | Citadele banka
Baroness Catherine Ashton is joining the supervisory board of Citadele after receiving formal approval from the Financial and Capital Market Commission. Baroness Ashton begins performing her duties...
Moody’s paaugstina A
Moody’s paaugstina AS “Citadele banka” kredītreitingu par divām pakāpēm
April 19, 2017 10:06 ET | Citadele banka
Bankas Citadele reitinga pārskatīšanu “Moody’s” skaidro ar bankas īstenoto stratēģiju attīstīt darbību Baltijas valstīs, kā arī palielināto bankas kapitālu un uzlaboto aktīvu kvalitāti. “Moody’s”...
Moody’s Investors Se
Moody’s Investors Service upgrades AS “Citadele banka” credit rating by 2 notches
April 19, 2017 10:06 ET | Citadele banka
The review by “Moody’s” of Citadele Bank’s rating was explained as being due to the bank’s improved macro profile, increase in the proportion of business in the Baltics, as well as...
CORRECTION: AS "Citadele banka” audited annual report for the year ended 31 December 2016
March 03, 2017 03:21 ET | Citadele banka
Correction: AS "Citadele banka" unaudited annual report for the year ended 31 December 2016 added. The rest of information remains unchanged.   AS “Citadele banka” Group generated a EUR...
CORRECTION: AS ”Citadele banka” 2016. gada auditētais finanšu pārskats
March 03, 2017 03:21 ET | Citadele banka
Veiktie labojumi - papildus pievienots 2016. gada nerevidēts finanšu pārskats. Pārējā informācija nav mainīta.   AS “Citadele banka” koncerns 2016. gadā strādājis ar 40,7 miljonu eiro lielu...