Concordia Maritime’s CEO buys more shares
August 21, 2015 03:30 ET | Concordia Maritime AB
Kim Ullman, CEO of Concordia Maritime, yesterday increased his shareholding by purchasing a further 5,000 B shares in the company. In March last year, Kim Ullman purchased 15,000 B shares in Concordia...
Delårsrapport 1 januari–30 juni 2015
August 13, 2015 08:21 ET | Concordia Maritime AB
· Vinst före skatt kvartal 2: MSEK 44,0 (42,1) Halvår: MSEK 72,2 (52,3) · EBITDA kvartal 2: MSEK 99,5 (86,5) Halvår: MSEK 181,7 (138,2) · Genomsnittlig intjäning produkttank (spot) kvartal 2:...
Delårsrapport 1 januari–30 juni 2015
August 13, 2015 08:00 ET | Concordia Maritime AB
· Vinst före skatt kvartal 2: MSEK 44,0 (42,1) Halvår: MSEK 72,2 (52,3) · EBITDA kvartal 2: MSEK 99,5 (86,5) Halvår: MSEK 181,7 (138,2) · Genomsnittlig intjäning produkttank (spot) kvartal 2:...
Interim Report 1 January–30 June 2015
August 13, 2015 08:00 ET | Concordia Maritime AB
· Result before tax, Q2: SEK 44.0 (42.1) million 6 months: SEK 72.2 (52.3) million · EBITDA, Q2: SEK 99.5 (86.5) million 6 months: SEK 181.7 (138.2) million · Average income for product...
August 05, 2015 09:00 ET | Concordia Maritime AB
Concordia Maritime inbjuder till telefonkonferens/audiosändning 13 augusti 2015, kl 15.00 CEST. Delårsrapport Q2 2015 (publiceras den 13 augusti 2015) presenteras och tillfälle ges till...
August 05, 2015 09:00 ET | Concordia Maritime AB
Concordia Maritime welcomes you to participate in a teleconference/ audio transmission August 13 2015, at 3:00 pm CEST. The Interim Report for Q2 2015 (published 13 August 2015) will be presented and...
Notice from the Annual General Meeting of Concordia Maritime AB (publ) held on 28 April 2015
April 30, 2015 04:30 ET | Concordia Maritime AB
. At the Annual General Meeting of Concordia Maritime AB held on 28 April, 2015, Carl-Johan Hagman was re-elected as Chairman of the Board and Stefan Brocker was re- elected as Vice Chairman of the...
Pressinformation från årsstämma 28 april 2015 i Concordia Maritime AB (publ)
April 30, 2015 04:30 ET | Concordia Maritime AB
. Vid årsstämman i Concordia Maritime AB (publ) den 28 april 2015 omvaldes Carl -Johan Hagman till styrelseordförande och Stefan Brocker omvaldes till vice ordförande. Vidare omvaldes...
Interim Report 1 January–31 March 2015
April 28, 2015 08:55 ET | Concordia Maritime AB
· Strong start to the year – the market has turned · Result before tax SEK 28.1 (10.2) million · EBITDA SEK 82.2 (51.7) million After the end of the reporting period · Renewal of the...
Delårsrapport 1 januari–31 mars 2015
April 28, 2015 08:55 ET | Concordia Maritime AB
· Stark inledning på året – marknaden har vänt · Vinst före skatt MSEK 28,1 (10,2) · EBITDA MSEK 82,2 (51,7) Efter rapportperiodens utgång · Förnyelse av fartygsflottan. Den 8:e april...