Reitinguagentuur Moo
Reitinguagentuur Moody’s kinnitas Coop Panga reitinguhinnangu senisel tasemel. Pangahoiuste reiting jäi senisele tasemele Baa2 stabiilse väljavaatega.
June 08, 2023 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Moody’s Investors Service uuendas Coop Pank AS-ile antud reitinguhinnangut. Panga reiting jäi senisele investeerimisjärgu tasemel koos stabiilse väljavaatega. Coop Panga finantsjuhi Paavo Truu...
The rating agency Mo
The rating agency Moody’s affirmed Coop Pank’s Credit rating. Bank deposit rating remained on the level of Baa2 with stable outlook.
June 08, 2023 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Moody's Investors Service affirmed the credit rating of Coop Pank AS. Investment grade credit rating with a stable outlook was affirmed at the same level as year ago. According to Paavo Truu, CFO of...
Nõukogu esimehe vali
Nõukogu esimehe valimine
May 17, 2023 08:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
17.05.2023 toimunud Coop Pank AS-i nõukogu koosolekul nimetati alates 17.05.2023 ettevõtte uueks nõukogu esimeheks Rainer Rohtla.    Vastvalitud nõukogu esimehe sõnul näeb ta kodumaisel Coop...
Election of the Chai
Election of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board
May 17, 2023 08:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
At the meeting of the Supervisory Board of Coop Pank AS, held on 17.05.2023, Rainer Rohtla was appointed as the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the company, starting the position from...
Coop Finants AS nõuk
Coop Finants AS nõukogu liikme volituste pikendamine
May 16, 2023 07:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank AS otsustas ainuaktsionärina täna, 16. mail 2023, pikendada Coop Pank AS tütarettevõtte Coop Finants AS nõukogu liikme Margus Rinki volitusi järgnevaks kolmeaastaseks ametiajaks. ...
Coop Pank extends au
Coop Pank extends authorities of Supervisory Board member of Coop Finants AS
May 16, 2023 07:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank AS as the sole shareholder of Coop Finants AS decided today, 16 May 2023, to extend the term of office of the Supervisory Board Member of Coop Finants AS Mr. Margus Rink for another...
Coop Pank AS 2023. a
Coop Pank AS 2023. aasta aprilli tulemused
May 11, 2023 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Panga 2023. aasta aprilli majandustulemused: Panga klientide arv kasvas aprillis 2400 võrra ja aktiivselt arveldavate klientide arv kasvas 900 võrra. Kuu lõpuks ulatus klientide arv 157 600-ni...
Coop Pank AS results
Coop Pank AS results for April 2023
May 11, 2023 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank’s financial results in April 2023: In April, number of the bank's clients increased by 2,400 and number of active clients increased by 900. By the end of the month number of clients reached...
Aktsiakapitali suure
Aktsiakapitali suurendamine seoses töötajate optsiooniprogrammi realiseerimisega ning märkimistulemused
May 02, 2023 04:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank AS (edaspidi: Pank) nõukogu otsustas suurendada Panga aktsiakapitali 524 720,35 euro võrra uute lihtaktsiate väljalaskmise teel. Aktsiakapitali suurendamise otsus võeti vastu Panga...
Increase of the shar
Increase of the share capital in connection with the option programme and subscription results
May 02, 2023 04:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
The supervisory board of Coop Pank AS (hereinafter the Bank) decided on 12 April 2023 to increase the share capital of the Bank by 524 720,35 euros by way of issuing new ordinary shares. The...