Coop Pank 2023. aast
Coop Pank 2023. aasta auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne
March 20, 2024 06:59 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank juhatus on koostanud 2023. aasta majandusaasta auditeeritud aruande. Võrreldes 9. veebruaril 2024 avaldatud auditeerimata majandustulemustega ei ole auditeeritud aruandes finantstulemuste...
Coop Pank 2023 audit
Coop Pank 2023 audited Annual Report
March 20, 2024 06:59 ET | Coop Pank AS
Management Board of Coop Pank has compiled 2023 audited Annual Report. There are no differences in the audited accounts as regards the financial results, compared to the unaudited financial results...
Coop Pank AS 2024. a
Coop Pank AS 2024. aasta veebruari tulemused
March 12, 2024 02:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Panga 2024. aasta veebruarikuu majandustulemused: Panga klientide arv kasvas veebruaris 2100 võrra ja aktiivselt arveldavate klientide arv kasvas 1500 võrra. Kuu lõpuks ulatus klientide arv...
Coop Pank AS results
Coop Pank AS results for February 2024
March 12, 2024 02:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank’s financial results in February 2024: In February, number of the bank's clients increased by 2,100 and number of active clients increased by 1,500. By the end of the month number of...
Finantsinspektsioon andis Coop Pank AS-ile loa ühineda Coop Finants AS-iga
March 05, 2024 10:30 ET | Coop Pank AS
Finantsinspektsioon andis Coop Pank AS-ile (Coop Pank) kui ühendavale ühingule loa ühineda Coop Finants AS-iga, mis on Coop Panga 100%-line tütarettevõtja. Finantsinspektsiooni luba oli Coop Panga ja...
Estonian Financial S
Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority approved the merger of Coop Pank AS and Coop Finants AS
March 05, 2024 10:30 ET | Coop Pank AS
Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority granted its approval to Coop Pank AS (Coop Pank) as the acquiring company to merge with Coop Finants AS, a 100% subsidiary of Coop Pank. The...
Coop Pank AS 2024. a
Coop Pank AS 2024. aasta jaanuari tulemused
February 12, 2024 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Panga 2024. aasta jaanuari majandustulemused: Panga klientide arv kasvas jaanuaris 2400 võrra ja aktiivselt arveldavate klientide arv langes 900 võrra. Kuu lõpuks ulatus klientide arv 184...
Coop Pank AS results
Coop Pank AS results for January 2024
February 12, 2024 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank’s financial results in January 2024: In January, number of the bank's clients increased by 2,400 and number of active clients decreased by 900. By the end of the month number of clients...
Kokkuvõte Coop Panga
Kokkuvõte Coop Panga 2023. aasta IV kvartali ja 12 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemusi tutvustavast veebiseminarist
February 09, 2024 07:30 ET | Coop Pank AS
Täna, 9. veebruaril 2024 kell 9.00 toimus Coop Pank AS veebiseminar, kus panga juhatuse esimees Margus Rink ja finantsjuht Paavo Truu tutvustavad panga 2023. aasta IV kvartali ja aasta auditeerimata...
Coop Pank held an in
Coop Pank held an investor webinar to introduce unaudited results of Q4 and 12 month of 2023
February 09, 2024 07:30 ET | Coop Pank AS
Today, on 9 February 2023 at 9 am (EET), Coop Pank held an investor webinar, where the Chairman of the Board Margus Rink and Chief Financial Officer Paavo Truu introduced the bank’s Q4 and 12 month of...