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Data Respons ASA: New share capital registered
June 07, 2019 07:08 ET | Data Respons ASA
Reference is made to the stock exchange notice dated 5 June 2019 regarding the extraordinary general meeting approval of a private placement of 10,000,000 shares (the "New Shares") in Data Respons...
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Data Respons ASA: Ekstraordinær generalforsamling avholdt
June 05, 2019 08:35 ET | Data Respons ASA
Data Respons ASA har i dag 5. juni 2019 avholdt ekstraordinær generalforsamling. Samtlige vedtak i den ekstraordinære generalforsamlingen var i henhold til styrets forslag som beskrevet i...
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Data Respons ASA: Extraordinary general meeting completed
June 05, 2019 08:35 ET | Data Respons ASA
  Data Respons ASA has held the extraordinary general meeting today, 5 June 2019. All resolutions in the extraordinary general meeting were in accordance with the Board of Director's proposal as...
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Data Respons ASA: New share capital registered
May 15, 2019 04:50 ET | Data Respons ASA
Reference is made to the stock exchange notice issued on 13 May 2019 by Data Respons ASA (the "Company") regarding the private placement raising gross proceeds of approximately NOK 324 million...
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Data Respons ASA: Innkalling til ekstraordinær generalforsamling
May 14, 2019 09:05 ET | Data Respons ASA
  Med referanse til børsmelding 13 mai 2019 der selskapet offentliggjorde en Rettet Emisjon på 12.000.000 nye aksjer og en reparasjonsemisjon på opptil 1.800.000 nye aksjer med ikke-omsettelige...
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Data Respons ASA: Notice of extraordinary general meeting
May 14, 2019 09:05 ET | Data Respons ASA
  Reference is made to the announcement by Data Respons ASA on 13 May 2019 regarding the completion of a private placement of 12,000,000 new shares and a contemplated  repair issue of up to...
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Data Respons ASA: Kontrakt på NOK 37 millioner
May 14, 2019 06:22 ET | Data Respons ASA
  Data Respons har inngått en kontrakt på NOK 37 millioner med en kunde innen Automotive i Tyskland. Kontrakten er en 3-årig avtale og inkluderer leveranse av spesialiserte R&D IT tjenester for...
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Data Respons ASA: Contract of NOK 37 million
May 14, 2019 06:22 ET | Data Respons ASA
  Data Respons has signed a contract of NOK 37 million with a leading player in the automotive market in Germany. The contract is a 3-year agreement for delivery of specialised R&D IT...
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Data Respons ASA: Allocation of share options
May 14, 2019 02:37 ET | Data Respons ASA
With reference to the power of attorney granted by the annual general meeting at April 12, 2019 the Board of the Directors has established a share option scheme and allocated a total of 2.300.000...
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Data Respons Asa: Key Information Relating to the Repair Issue
May 13, 2019 17:15 ET | Data Respons ASA
Reference is made to the announcement by Data Respons ASA on 13 May 2019 regarding the completion of a private placement of 12,000,000 new shares (the "Private Placement") and a contemplated  repair...