Notice convening the Annual General Meeting of AB Electrolux
February 17, 2015 02:00 ET | Electrolux, AB
The shareholders of AB Electrolux are invited to participate in the Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 5 p.m. at the Brewery Conference Centre (Sw. Münchenbryggeriet),...
Electrolux Nomination Committee proposes re-election of Board members
February 17, 2015 02:00 ET | Electrolux, AB
In preparation for the Electrolux Annual General Meeting on March 26, the Electrolux Nomination Committee proposes re-election of Electrolux all current Board members: Ronnie Leten (Chairman), Lorna...
Electrolux VD och koncernchef Keith McLoughlin kommenterar resultatet för fjärde kvartalet
January 28, 2015 02:01 ET | Electrolux, AB
Resultatet fortsätter att förbättras Koncernens rörelseresultat fortsatte att förbättras och ökade med 20 procent till 1 472 miljoner kronor för fjärde kvartalet. Den goda utvecklingen är resultatet...
Electrolux President and CEO Keith McLoughlin’s comments on the results for the fourth quarter 2014.
January 28, 2015 02:01 ET | Electrolux, AB
Earnings Continue to Improve Electrolux’ earnings increased in the fourth quarter of 2014 and the operating income rose by 20 percent to SEK 1,472 million. This is the result of an operational...
Electrolux Consolidated Results 2014
January 28, 2015 02:00 ET | Electrolux, AB
Highlights of the fourth quarter of 2014 · Net sales amounted to SEK 31,400m (28,891). · Sales increased by 8.7%, of which 2.0% was organic growth, 0.2% acquisitions and 6.5% currencies. ·...
Electrolux bokslutsrapport 2014
January 28, 2015 02:00 ET | Electrolux, AB
Sammanfattning av fjärde kvartalet 2014 · Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 31 400 Mkr (28 891). · Försäljningen ökade med 8,7%, varav organisk tillväxt svarade för 2,0%, förvärv för 0,2% och...
Electrolux issues bond loan
December 05, 2014 05:00 ET | Electrolux, AB
Electrolux today issued a EUR 100 million bond loan under its EMTN (Euro Medium Term Note) program. The bond loan is issued on December 5, 2014, with a maturity on December 5, 2019. The loan is issued...
Electrolux tar upp lån på obligationsmarknaden
December 05, 2014 05:00 ET | Electrolux, AB
Electrolux har idag lånat 100 miljoner euro på obligationsmarknaden under sitt Euro Medium Term Note program, EMTN. Obligationslånet emitteras den 5 december 2014 med förfallodag den 5 december 2019....
Electrolux kapitalmarknadsdag 2014
November 20, 2014 08:00 ET | Electrolux, AB
Electrolux VD och koncernchef Keith McLoughlin och medlemmar i koncernledningen ger idag på kapitalmarknadsdagen i Charlotte i USA en lägesuppdatering av koncernens strategi samt en överblick av det...
Electrolux Capital Markets Day 2014
November 20, 2014 08:00 ET | Electrolux, AB
During the capital markets day today in Charlotte, North Carolina, CEO Keith McLoughlin and other senior officers of the company will present a status update on the Group’s strategy as well as an...