Festi hf.: Breytt fj
Festi hf.: Breytt fjárhagsdagatal 2024/25
April 05, 2024 05:57 ET | Festi hf.
Fjárhagsdagatal Festi sem birt var 25. október 2023 hefur verið breytt og er uppfært dagatal hér að neðan: 1F 202423. apríl 2024Árshlutauppgjör2F 202431. júlí 2024Árshlutauppgjör3F 202430. október...
Festi hf.: Updated F
Festi hf.: Updated Financial Calendar 2024/25
April 05, 2024 05:57 ET | Festi hf.
Festi‘s Financial Calendar published on October 25, 2023, has been altered as follows: 1Q 202423. April 2024Q1 2024 Results2Q 202431. July 2024Q2 2024 Results3Q 202430. October 2024Q3 2024 Results4Q...
Festi hf: Kaup Festi
Festi hf: Kaup Festi á öllu hlutafé Lyfju hf. – Ósk um sáttaviðræður við Samkeppniseftirlitið
March 26, 2024 05:30 ET | Festi hf.
Í tilkynningu Festi, dags. 18. mars 2024, var greint frá frummati í rannsókn Samkeppniseftirlitsins á samkeppnislegum áhrifum kaupa Festi á öllu hlutafé Lyfju hf. en samkvæmt því krefist samruninn að...
Festi hf: Festi acqu
Festi hf: Festi acquisition of all shares in Lyfja hf. – Request for conciliation talks with the Icelandic Competition Authority.
March 26, 2024 05:30 ET | Festi hf.
Reference is made to Festi’s announcement, published on the 18th of March 2024, regarding the preliminary conclusions in the Icelandic Competition Authority’s investigation into the competitive...
Festi hf: Kaup Festi
Festi hf: Kaup Festi hf. á öllu hlutafé Lyfju hf. – Frumniðurstöður samrunarannsóknar Samkeppniseftirlitsins liggja fyrir.
March 18, 2024 04:00 ET | Festi hf.
Samkeppniseftirlitið hefur haft til meðferðar rannsókn á samkeppnislegum áhrifum kaupa Festi hf. á öllu hlutafé Lyfju hf., frá því að samrunaskrá var metin fullnægjandi þann 9. nóvember 2023. ...
Festi hf: Festi acqu
Festi hf: Festi acquisition of all shares in Lyfja hf. – Preliminary conclusions of the Icelandic Competition Authority‘s investigation presented.
March 18, 2024 04:00 ET | Festi hf.
The Icelandic Competition Authority has had under investigation the competitive effects regarding Festi’s purchase on the entire share capital of Lyfja hf., since the company's announcement of the...
Festi hf.: Lækkun hl
Festi hf.: Lækkun hlutafjár
March 14, 2024 09:21 ET | Festi hf.
Á aðalfundi Festi þann 6. mars 2024 var samþykkt tillaga stjórnar um að lækka hlutafé félagsins. Lækkunin nemur kr. 3.000.000 að nafnverði, eða sem nemur jafn mörgum hlutum. Lækkunin tekur til eigin...
Festi hf.: Reduction
Festi hf.: Reduction in share capital
March 14, 2024 09:21 ET | Festi hf.
At the annual general meeting of Festi on March 6, 2024, a reduction in the Company's share capital was approved. The reduction amounts to ISK 3,000,000 nominal value, or as many shares. The reduction...
Festi hf: Niðurstöðu
Festi hf: Niðurstöður aðalfundar 6. mars 2024
March 06, 2024 08:51 ET | Festi hf.
Meðfylgjandi eru niðurstöður aðalfundar Festi hf. sem haldinn var í dag, miðvikudaginn 6. mars 2024. Nánari upplýsingar veita Ásta S. Fjeldsted, forstjóri Festi – asta@festi.is  Viðhengi ...
Festi hf: Results of
Festi hf: Results of the Annual General Meeting 6 March 2024
March 06, 2024 08:51 ET | Festi hf.
Enclosed are the results of the Annual General Meeting of Festi hf. held today, Wednesday 6 March 2024. For further information, please contact Ásta S. Fjeldsted, CEO of Festi -  asta@festi.is  ...