Delårsrapport januari-september 2015: Fortsatt god organisk tillväxt
October 29, 2015 03:00 ET | GHP Specialty Care AB
· Den organiska tillväxten var 7 procent under det tredje kvartalet · Vi har under kvartalet investerat i vårt unika samarbete med Skandia · Ombyggnationer på Löwenströmska sjukhuset under...
Interim report January-September 2015: Organic growth continues to be good
October 29, 2015 03:00 ET | GHP Specialty Care AB
· Organic growth amounted to 7 per cent during the third quarter · During the quarter we invested in our unique collaboration with Skandia · Reconstruction work at Löwenströmska Hospital during...
Nomination Committee for the AGM 2016 in GHP Specialty Care AB
October 26, 2015 08:00 ET | GHP Specialty Care AB
According to the decision at the Annual General Meeting 2015, GHP Specialty Care AB (publ) (GHP) shall have a nomination committee consisting of the Chairman of the Board and one representative from...
Valberedning för GHP Specialty Care AB inför årsstämma 2016
October 26, 2015 08:00 ET | GHP Specialty Care AB
Enligt beslut vid årsstämman 2015 skall GHP Specialty Care AB (publ) (GHP) ha en valberedning bestående av en representant från de tre största ägarna, som önskar utse en representant, jämte...
Conference call on Interim report January-September 2015
October 22, 2015 12:15 ET | GHP Specialty Care AB
Invitation to attend GHP’s webcasted conference call regarding presentation of the Interim report January-September 2015. Time: Thursday 29 October 2015 at 09.30 a.m. CET The conference call will be...
Telefonkonferens delårsrapport januari-september 2015
October 22, 2015 12:15 ET | GHP Specialty Care AB
GHP inbjuder härmed till webbsänd telefonkonferens med anledning av delårsrapport januari-september 2015. Tid: torsdag 29 oktober 2015 kl. 09:30 Telefonkonferensen hålls på engelska och...
GHP’s capital markets day well-attended
September 03, 2015 15:53 ET | GHP Specialty Care AB
GHP Specialty Care AB (publ) (GHP) today held, on 3 September 2015, a capital markets day on the premises of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in Stockholm. The company’s CEO, Daniel...
Välbesökt på GHP:s kapitalmarknadsdag
September 03, 2015 15:07 ET | GHP Specialty Care AB
Specialistvårdbolaget GHP Specialty Care AB (publ) (GHP) höll idag, den 3 september 2015, kapitalmarknadsdag i Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademiens lokaler i Stockholm. Bolagets VD Daniel Öhman och CFO...
GHP medarbetare har utnämnts till professor i ett samarbete mellan Karolinska Institutet och GHP
August 20, 2015 03:00 ET | GHP Specialty Care AB
Eva Kosek som är verksam på GHP Stockholm Spine Center har utsetts till professor i klinisk smärtforskning på Karolinska Institutet. Eva kommer även fortsättningsvis att arbeta med patienter med...
GHP employee appointed professor as part of collaboration between Karolinska Institutet and GHP
August 20, 2015 03:00 ET | GHP Specialty Care AB
Eva Kosek, who works at GHP Stockholm Spine Center, has been appointed professor in clinical pain research at Karolinska Institutet. Eva will also continue to work with patients with pain issues at...