GWS Production AB: Rethinking Care becomes largest shareholder in Carefindy
January 19, 2017 02:00 ET | GWS Production AB
Rethinking Care Sweden AB immediately becomes the largest shareholder in Carefindy AB; a recently started subsidiary, owned by GWS Production AB. In January 2016, GWS Production AB (GWS) announced...
GWS Production AB: Rethinking Care blir största ägare i Carefindy
January 19, 2017 02:00 ET | GWS Production AB
Rethinking Care Sweden AB ("Rethinking Care") blir omgående största ägare i Carefindy AB, ett nystartat helägt dotterbolag till GWS Production AB ("GWS"). GWS meddelade i januari 2016 att bolaget...
GWS Production AB : GWS signs partnership agreement with major security provider in the USA.
November 28, 2016 04:13 ET | GWS Production AB
Global Warning System (GWS) announces new partnership agreement with a major security provider in the USA. The security company works in the delivery of security and related services, among...
GWS Production AB : GWS tecknar avtal med en stor säkerhetsleverantör i USA
November 28, 2016 04:13 ET | GWS Production AB
Global Warning System (GWS) meddelar att man skrivit avtal med en större säkerhetsleverantör i USA. Säkerhetsleverantören arbetar med bland annat riskhantering, riskkonsultation och...
GWS Production AB (publ) publicerar delårsrapport för januari - september 2016
November 25, 2016 08:49 ET | GWS Production AB
I detta pressmeddelande finns GWS Production AB:s delårsrapport för perioden januari-september 2016 bifogad i sin helhet. GWS Production AB:s delårsrapport finns även tillgänglig på bolagets...
GWS Production AB (publ) publicerar delårsrapport för januari - september 2016
November 25, 2016 07:00 ET | GWS Production AB
GWS Production AB (publ) ("GWS") publicerar härmed delårsrapport avseende perioden januari till september 2016. Rapporten finns tillgänglig via länk nedan samt på bolagets hemsida...
GWS Production AB :
GWS Production AB : GWS rapporterar om status och framtidsplaner
October 27, 2016 02:00 ET | GWS Production AB
Global Warning System (GWS) rapporterar om övergripande status och framtidsplaner två år efter noteringen 2014. GWS fortsätter att fokusera på större affärsmöjligheter och har ökat...
GWS Production AB :
GWS Production AB : GWS reports on company status and future plans
October 27, 2016 02:00 ET | GWS Production AB
Global Warning System (GWS) announces the company's overall status and future plans, two years after listing in 2014. GWS continues to focus on major opportunities, and has increased sales...
GWS Production AB re
GWS Production AB reorganizes in order to boost sales
September 02, 2016 07:00 ET | GWS Production AB
Global Warning System (GWS) declares new focus on sales activities in North and South America. Morgan Widung, former VP Sales and Marketing, has been appointed Head of Sales Americas, and will be...
GWS Production AB st
GWS Production AB strukturerar organisationen för ökat säljfokus
September 02, 2016 07:00 ET | GWS Production AB
Global Warning System (GWS) meddelar att man kommer att lägga ökat fokus på försäljningen i Nord- och Sydamerika. VP Sales and Marketing Morgan Widung får en ny tjänst som Head of Sales Americas...