DRAFT RESOLUTIONS of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of joint stock company “Grindeks” to be held on 17 July 2019
July 03, 2019 09:48 ET | Grindeks
Referring to the previously announced that the mandatory share repurchase offer will not affect Board’s view in paying dividends and the overall development of the “Grindeks” Group currently indicates...
Par obligātā akciju
Par obligātā akciju atpirkšanas piedāvājuma rezultātiem
July 03, 2019 07:29 ET | Grindeks
Akciju sabiedrība „Grindeks” informē, ka ir saņēmusi no tās akcionāra SIA „Liplat Holding” paziņojumu par obligātā akciju atpirkšanas piedāvājuma rezultātiem. Pēc obligātā akciju atpirkšanas...
Information regardin
Information regarding the results of mandatory redemption of shares
July 03, 2019 07:29 ET | Grindeks
Joint Stock Company “Grindeks” hereby informs that it has received the information from its shareholder “Liplat Holding” Ltd. regarding the results of mandatory redemption of shares. After execution...
Paziņojums par akcij
Paziņojums par akciju sabiedrības „GRINDEKS” ārkārtas akcionāru sapulces sasaukšanu
June 17, 2019 10:20 ET | Grindeks
Akciju sabiedrības „Grindeks” (vienotais reģ. nr. 40003034935, juridiskā adrese: Krustpils iela 53, Rīga, LV-1057) valde, pamatojoties uz šodien, 2019. gada 17. jūnijā saņemto akcionāra SIA „Liplat...
Notification on conv
Notification on convocation of joint stock company “GRINDEKS” Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders
June 17, 2019 10:20 ET | Grindeks
The Management Board of joint stock company “Grindeks” (registration number: 40003034935, legal address: 53 Krustpils street, Riga, Latvia, LV-1057) according the shareholder’s “Liplat Holding” Ltd.,...
Par obligāto akciju
Par obligāto akciju atpirkšanas piedāvājumu
June 11, 2019 10:01 ET | Grindeks
Pielikumā: Akciju sabiedrības “GRINDEKS” obligātā akciju atpirkšanas piedāvājuma prospekts angļu valodā.   Vieta un laiks, kur un kad var iepazīties ar prospektu: Zvērinātu advokātu birojā...
Information regardin
Information regarding the mandatory redemption of shares
June 11, 2019 10:01 ET | Grindeks
Attached: The prospectus of the mandatory takeover bid of Joint Stock Company „GRINDEKS” in English.   The place and time for reading the prospectus: Law firm PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal, at 21–21...
Par AS „Grindeks” pa
Par AS „Grindeks” padomi
June 10, 2019 09:55 ET | Grindeks
Informējam, ka akciju sabiedrības „Grindeks” padome nolēma par akciju sabiedrības „Grindeks” padomes priekšsēdētāju atkārtoti ievēlēt Kirovu Lipmanu un par akciju sabiedrības „Grindeks” padomes...
Information regardin
Information regarding the Supervisory Council of JSC "Grindeks"
June 10, 2019 09:55 ET | Grindeks
Joint stock company “Grindeks” informs that the Supervisory Council repeatedly decided to elect Kirovs Lipmans as a Chairman of the Supervisory Council and Anna Lipmane as a Deputy Chairman of the...
Board of JSC “Grinde
Board of JSC “Grindeks” opinion on mandatory offer to repurchase shares in JSC “Grindeks”
June 05, 2019 10:50 ET | Grindeks
In view of the fact that on 29 May 2019, in accordance with section 73(4) of the Financial Instruments Market Act, information about JSC “Grindeks” mandatory share repurchase offer expiring on 28 June...