PARANDUSTEADE: Hepsor AS korralise üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumise teade
May 05, 2023 10:00 ET | HEPSOR AS
02.05.2023 avalikustas Hepsor AS korralise üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumise teate. Teates oli ekslikult viidatud valele nädalapäevale – varem avaldatud teates oli viidatud korralise üldkoosoleku toimumise...
CORRECTION: Notice of calling the annual general meeting of Hepsor AS
May 05, 2023 10:00 ET | HEPSOR AS
On 02.05.2023 Hepsor AS published a notice of calling the annual general meeting. By mistake the notice contains incorrect reference to a weekday when the meeting is taking place – the previously...
Hepsor AS-i korralis
Hepsor AS-i korralise üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumise teade
May 02, 2023 01:45 ET | HEPSOR AS
Hepsor AS-i (registrikood 12099216; aadress Järvevana 7b, 10112 Tallinn) juhatus kutsub kokku aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kolmapäeval, 25.05.2023, kell 11:00 L’Embitu Hotelli...
Notice of calling th
Notice of calling the annual general meeting of Hepsor AS
May 02, 2023 01:45 ET | HEPSOR AS
The management board of Hepsor AS (registry code 12099216, address Järvevana 7b, 10112 Tallinn) calls the annual general meeting of the shareholders to be held on Wednesday, 25 May 2023 at 11:00 in...
Hepsor korrigeerib 2
Hepsor korrigeerib 2021. aasta majandusaasta aruandes esinenud väärkajastusi 2022. aasta majandusaasta aruandes
April 28, 2023 09:32 ET | HEPSOR AS
Kontsern teavitab, et 2021 majandusaasta aruandes lisa 1.5 „Kehtima hakkavad standardid, tõlgendused ja avaldatud standardite muudatused“ sisalduv viide: „Käesoleva aruande koostamisel rakendatud...
Hepsor corrects 2021
Hepsor corrects 2021 Annual Report misstatements in the 2022 Annual Report
April 28, 2023 09:32 ET | HEPSOR AS
The Group announces that the reference contained in note 1.5 „ Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors“ in the 2021 Annual Report „The accounting policies applied in the...
Hepsor AS-i auditeer
Hepsor AS-i auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2022
April 28, 2023 09:31 ET | HEPSOR AS
Hepsor AS-i juhatus on koostanud 2022. aasta majandusaasta auditeeritud aruande. Võrreldes 15. veebruaril 2023 avaldatud auditeerimata majandustulemustega ei ole auditeeritud aruandes finantstulemuste...
Hepsor AS 2022 audit
Hepsor AS 2022 audited annual report
April 28, 2023 09:31 ET | HEPSOR AS
The Management Board of Hepsor AS has prepared the audited annual report for 2022. Compared to the unaudited interim report published on 15 February 2023, there are no material differences in the...
Hepsor ASi tütarette
Hepsor ASi tütarettevõte Hepsor RD5 SIA sõlmis Nameja Rezidence projekti ehituse finantseerimiseks laenulepingu summas 4 miljonit eurot
April 24, 2023 01:42 ET | HEPSOR AS
20. aprillil 2023 allkirjastasid Hepsor ASi tütarettevõte Hepsor RD5 SIA ja Bigbank AS Läti filiaal laenulepingu summas 4 miljonit eurot. Kolmeaastase tähtajaga laenu eesmärk on finantseerida Nameja...
Hepsor RD5 SIA, Heps
Hepsor RD5 SIA, Hepsor AS group company, signed 4 million euro loan agreement for financing the construction of Nameja Rezidence project
April 24, 2023 01:42 ET | HEPSOR AS
Hepsor RD5 SIA, Hepsor AS group company, and Latvian affiliate of Bigbank AS signed a 4 million loan agreement on 20 April 2023. The purpose of the three-year loan is to finance the construction of...