Förslag till beslut att framläggas vid årsstämman i Industrial and Financial Systems, IFS AB (publ.)
March 11, 2016 02:45 ET | Industrial & Financial Systems, IFS AB
Styrelsen i Industrial and Financial Systems, IFS AB (”IFS”, ”bolaget”) har erhållit förslag till beslut att framläggas vid årsstämman från huvudägaren, IGT Holding IV AB (”IGT Holding”), som innehar...
Proposals for resolution to the annual general meeting in Industrial and Financial Systems, IFS AB (publ.)
March 11, 2016 02:45 ET | Industrial & Financial Systems, IFS AB
The board of Industrial and Financial Systems, IFS AB (“IFS”, the “company”) has received proposals for resolution to the annual general meeting (“AGM”) from the main owner, IGT Holding IV AB (“IGT...
MCH Group väljer IFS Applications 9 för förbättrade affärsprocesser och logistik
March 01, 2016 08:00 ET | Industrial & Financial Systems, IFS AB
Ledande koncern inom realtidsmarknadsföring kommer att driftsätta heltäckande IFS-lösning inom sin internationella verksamhet IFS (http://www.ifsworld.com/) meddelar att MCH...
MCH Group selects IFS Applications 9 to enhance the management of key business processes and its supply chain
March 01, 2016 08:00 ET | Industrial & Financial Systems, IFS AB
Leading live marketing group to deploy comprehensive IFS solution across its international business IFS (http://www.ifsworld.com/), the global enterprise applications company, announces that the Live...
IFS förvärvar MainIoT Software Oy
March 01, 2016 02:01 ET | Industrial & Financial Systems, IFS AB
IFS har tecknat avtal med ägarna av MainIoT Software Oy (”MainIoT”) avseende förvärv av 100 procent av företagets aktier. Köpeskillingen kommer att betalas kontant. MainIoT levererar mjukvara för...
IFS acquires MainIoT Software Oy
March 01, 2016 02:01 ET | Industrial & Financial Systems, IFS AB
IFS, the global enterprise applications company, today announces that it has signed an agreement with the owners of MainIoT Software Oy (“MainIoT”) to purchase 100 percent of the company’s shares. The...
Kallelse till årsstämma i Industrial and Financial Systems, IFS AB (publ)
February 11, 2016 12:00 ET | Industrial & Financial Systems, IFS AB
Aktieägarna i Industrial and Financial Systems, IFS AB (publ.), org nr 556122 -0996, kallas härmed till årsstämma måndagen den 14 mars 2016 kl. 09.00 i IFS lokaler, Lindhagensgatan 116 i...
Notice to attend the annual general meeting of shareholders in Industrial and Financial Systems, IFS AB (publ)
February 11, 2016 12:00 ET | Industrial & Financial Systems, IFS AB
The shareholders in Industrial and Financial Systems IFS AB (publ.), Corp Id No 556122-0996, are hereby given notice to attend the annual general meeting (AGM) of shareholders on Monday, March 14,...
Bokslutskommuniké 2015
February 10, 2016 02:00 ET | Industrial & Financial Systems, IFS AB
Kraftig ökning av licensförsäljning och resultat oktober–december 2015 (fjärde kvartalet) · Licensintäkterna uppgick till 245 Mkr (185), en ökning med 27 procent valutajusterat. ·...
Year-end report 2015
February 10, 2016 02:00 ET | Industrial & Financial Systems, IFS AB
Strong growth in license sales and earnings October–December 2015 (fourth quarter) · License revenue amounted to SKr 245 million (Q4 '14: SKr 185 million), an increase of 27 percent, currency...