Penyelesaian baharu diperlukan segera untuk tangani masalah merokok di seluruh dunia: pakar akan bersidang di Poland di Forum Global tentang Nikotin
June 19, 2023 15:40 ET | Global Forum on Nicotine
WARSAW, Poland, June 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pakar kesihatan awam antarabangsa, saintis, doktor, pengawal selia, pengguna dan pengilang sedang bersidang minggu ini di ibu negara Poland untuk...
Es urgente encontrar nuevas soluciones para luchar contra el tabaquismo en todo el mundo: los expertos se reunirán en Polonia para celebrar el Foro Mundial sobre la Nicotina
June 19, 2023 15:39 ET | Global Forum on Nicotine
VARSOVIA, Polonia, June 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Especialistas internacionales en salud pública, científicos, médicos, reguladores, consumidores y fabricantes se reúnen esta semana en la capital...
New solutions urgently needed to tackle smoking worldwide: experts to convene in Poland at the Global Forum on Nicotine
June 19, 2023 10:17 ET | Global Forum on Nicotine
WARSAW, Poland, June 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- International public health specialists, scientists, doctors, regulators, consumers and manufacturers are convening this week in the Polish capital...