Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Halvårsrapport
August 24, 2010 08:43 ET | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Selskabets resultat for perioden 1. januar - 30. juni 2010 blev 97 tkr., hvilket svarer til forventningerne i henhold til årsrapporten for 2009. Selskabets egenkapital udgør 10.248 tkr. pr. 30. juni...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Rentefixing
June 24, 2010 08:35 ET | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
I forbindelse med fastsættelse af kupon for den kommende rente periode kan vi meddele, at kuponrenten er fastsat til: Start dato: 28-06-2010 (inklusiv) Slut dato: 28-09-2010...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Fixing of Coupon
June 24, 2010 08:35 ET | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
In connection with the determination of the coupons for the following interest period we can inform that the coupons will be as follows. Start date: 28-06-2010 (inclusive) End date: ...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Fixing of Coupon
June 17, 2010 08:14 ET | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
In connection with the determination of the coupons for the following interest period we can inform that the coupons will be as follows. Start date: 21-06-2010 (inclusive) End date: ...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Rentefixing
June 17, 2010 08:14 ET | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
I forbindelse med fastsættelse af kupon for den kommende rente periode kan vi meddele, at kuponrenten er fastsat til: Start dato: 21-06-2010 (inklusiv) Slut dato: 20-09-2010...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Referat fra generalforsamling
April 08, 2010 08:54 ET | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S holdt den 8. april 2010 ordinær generalforsamling med den tidligere offentliggjorte dagsorden. 1-3. Generalforsamlingen godkendte bestyrelsens beretning, årsrapport for...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S - Secured Credit-Linked Notes IV due 2013 - Credit Event Notice
March 29, 2010 10:17 ET | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Copenhagen, 29 March 2010 1(1) Kalmar Structured Finance A/S Secured Credit-Linked Notes IV due 2013 Class Security Code Initial Principal Interest Rate Maturity Date ...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Indkaldelse til generalforsamling
March 25, 2010 10:04 ET | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
På vegne af bestyrelsen i Kalmar Structured Finance A/S skal det meddeles, at der afholdes generalforsamling i selskabet torsdag den 8. april 2010 kl. 9.00, Strandgade 3, København med dagsorden...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, rentefixing
March 25, 2010 09:58 ET | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
I forbindelse med fastsættelse af kupon for den kommende rente periode kan vi meddele, at kuponrenten er fastsat til: Start dato: 29-03-2010 (inklusiv) Slut dato: 28-06-2010...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Fixing of Coupon
March 25, 2010 09:58 ET | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
In connection with the determination of the coupons for the following interest period we can inform that the coupons will be as follows. Start date: 29-03-2010 (inclusive) End date: ...