To the owners of bon
To the owners of bonds issued by Kefren Properties IX AB (previously Keops EjendomsObligationer IX AB), ISIN code DK0030039300
September 12, 2011 10:20 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
On behalf of CorpNordic Denmark A/S, as Special Servicer, notification is hereby given to the bondholders. CorpNordic Denmark A/S, as the Bondholders’ Representative, hereby asks all owners of...
Resumé fra Obligatio
Resumé fra Obligationsejermøde
June 09, 2011 03:18 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
Se vedhæftede         Spørgsmål vedrørende denne meddelelse kan rettes til Henrik Hvidt-Karlsson på telefon +45 20 29 38 47...
Summary of Bondholde
Summary of Bondholders' meeting
June 09, 2011 03:18 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
See the attached         Please address questions relating to this Notice to Henrik Hvidt-Karlsson on telephone TEL: +45 20 29 38 47 or via e-mail...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB, 556691-4031 (”Company”) - Notification of bondholders meeting
May 27, 2011 09:24 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
On behalf of CorpNordic Denmark A/S, as Special Servicer, notification is hereby given of a meeting for bondholders in the Company on Wednesday 8th June 2011. Notification of bondholders...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB, 556691-4031 (”Selskabet”) - Indkaldelse til obligationsejermøde
May 27, 2011 09:24 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
På vegne af CorpNordic Denmark A/S som Special Servicer offentliggøres hermed indkaldelse til obligationsejermøde i Selskabet onsdag den 8. juni 2011. Indkaldelse til Obligationsejermøde Kefren...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB under konkurs, 556691-4031 (”Selskabet”) - Erklæring fra Special Servicer
April 29, 2011 05:50 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
Vedlagt er erklæring dateret 28. april 2010 fra Special Servicer CorpNordic Denmark A/S vedrørende årsrapporten 2010. Erklæringen offentliggøres i henhold til Special Serivceraftalen, der er...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB in bankruptcy, 556691-4031 (“the Company”) - Statement from Special Servicer
April 29, 2011 05:50 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
Attached is a statement, dated 28 April 2011, from the Special Servicer CorpNordic Denmark A/S, regarding the annual report for 2011. The statement is published in accordance with the Special...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB, 556691-4031 (”Selskabet”) - Bestyrelsen fratræder
April 21, 2011 08:00 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
I forlængelse af, at seniorbankerne har indgivet konkursbegæring mod Selskabet, jf. Fondsbørsmeddelelse nr. 86 af d. 15. april 2011, skal det hermed meddeles, at den samlede bestyrelse i Selskabet...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB, 556691-4031 (”the Company”) - Board resignation
April 21, 2011 08:00 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
Following the senior banks’ filing for bankruptcy against the Company, c.f. Company release No. 86 of 15 April 2011, it is herewith announced that the full Board of Directors resigns from the Board...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB, 556691-4031 (”Company”) - Acceleration of senior debt
April 15, 2011 09:52 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
Despite almost two years of intensive negotiations regarding reconstruction of the debt structure of the Company we have today received an Acceleration and Demand Notice regarding the senior debt...