Landic Property vinnur að stefnumótun
December 15, 2008 07:12 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landic Property vinnur nú að því að móta nýja stefnu fyrir félagið í kjölfarið á miklum breytingum á alþjóðlegum fjármálamörkuðum. Vinnan felur m.a. í sér úttekt á rekstri og efnahag félagsins með...
Landic Property - Strategic review
December 15, 2008 07:12 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landic Property is in the process of conducting a strategic review of the company in light of recent developments in the global financial market. This review focuses on the company´s current...
Viðar Þorkelsson ráðinn nýr forstjóri Landic Property
November 03, 2008 06:27 ET | Landic Property hf.
Viðar Þorkelsson hefur verið ráðinn forstjóri Landic Property í stað Skarphéðins Berg Steinarssonar og tekur strax til starfa. Viðar Þorkelsson var framkvæmdastjóri fjármálasviðs Stoða (áður FL...
Vidar Thorkelsson new CEO of Landic Property
November 03, 2008 06:27 ET | Landic Property hf.
Vidar Thorkelsson has been hired as CEO of Landic Property and will replace Skarphéðinn Berg Steinarsson, effective today. Vidar Thorkelsson was the CFO of Stoðir (previously FL Group) from...
- Afkoma Landic Property á fyrri helmingi ársins 2008
August 29, 2008 11:11 ET | Landic Property hf.
Lykiltölur frá fyrri helmingi ársins • Hagnaður af kjarnastarfsemi félagsins nam 5.362 milljónum kr. á fyrstu sex mánuðum ársins. • Hagnaður tímabilsins nam 435 milljónum kr. •...
- Landic Property´s Results for the first half of 2008
August 29, 2008 11:11 ET | Landic Property hf.
Key results for the first half of 2008: • Profit for the year from continuing operations is ISK 5.4 billion • Profit for the period ISK 435 million • Total revenue of ISK 16.8 billion •...
- Landic Property resumes control of Keops Development
August 19, 2008 11:36 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landic Property today announces that the company has terminated the contract between Landic Property and Stones Invest regarding the sale of Keops Development (KD). Landic Property has resumed...
- Landic Property yfirtekur á ný eignarhald á Keops Development
August 19, 2008 11:36 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landic Property hefur rift samningi milli Landic Property og Stones Invests um söluna á Keops Development (KD). Landic Property hefur yfirtekið á ný eignarhald sitt á Keops Development með það...
Landic Property yfirtekur á ný eignarhald á Keops Development
August 19, 2008 11:17 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landic Property hefur rift samningi milli Landic Property og Stones Invests um söluna á Keops Development (KD). Landic Property hefur yfirtekið á ný eignarhald sitt á Keops Development með það...
Landic Property resumes control of Keops Development
August 19, 2008 11:17 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landic Property today announces that the company has terminated the contract between Landic Property and Stones Invest regarding the sale of Keops Development (KD). Landic Property has resumed...