Lindab International AB (publ): Lindab's CFO resigns
February 13, 2018 16:00 ET | Lindab International AB
13 February 2018 Lindab's CFO, Kristian Ackeby, has given his termination notice and has decided to pursue a carrier outside Lindab. Kristian Ackeby is part of Lindab's executive management team...
Lindab International AB (publ): Lindabs rapport för fjärde kvartalet och helåret 2017
February 08, 2018 01:40 ET | Lindab International AB
8 februari 2018 Fjärde kvartalet 2017 Nettoomsättningen ökade med 7 procent till 2 185 MSEK (2 039), varav organisk tillväxt uppgick till 7 procent. Justerat1) rörelseresultat ökade med 6...
Lindab International AB (publ): Lindab's Report for the Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017
February 08, 2018 01:40 ET | Lindab International AB
8 February 2018 Fourth Quarter 2017   Net sales increased by 7 percent to SEK 2,185 m (2,039), of which organic growth amounted to 7 percent. Adjusted1) operating profit increased by 6 percent...
Lindab International AB (publ): Ny koncernchef i Lindab
January 12, 2018 01:40 ET | Lindab International AB
Ola Ringdahl har av styrelsen i Lindab International AB utsetts till ny VD och koncernchef. Han kommer att ersätta Fredrik von Oelreich som sedan den 29 september 2017 är tillförordnad koncernchef. ...
Lindab International AB (publ): New President and CEO in Lindab
January 12, 2018 01:40 ET | Lindab International AB
The Board of Lindab International AB has appointed Ola Ringdahl as new CEO and President. Ola Ringdahl will replace Fredrik von Oelreich, who has been acting CEO since September 29 2017."I'm very...
Lindab International AB (publ): Lindabs rapport för fjärde kvartalet och helåret 2017 presenteras den 8 februari 2018
January 11, 2018 07:00 ET | Lindab International AB
Lindabs helårsrapport kommer att offentliggöras kl. 07:40 (CET) den 8 februari 2018. En webbsänd telefonkonferens kommer att äga rum kl. 10.00 (CET). Rapporten presenteras av Fredrik von Oelreich,...
Lindab International AB (publ): Lindab's report for the Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 to be published on 8 February 2018
January 11, 2018 07:00 ET | Lindab International AB
The Year End Report for 2017 will be published 07.40 am (CET) on 8 February 2018. A live audiocast will be held at 10.00 am (CET). The report will be presented by Fredrik von Oelreich, acting...
Lindab International AB: Lindab förvärvar irländskt ventilationsbolag
December 18, 2017 05:01 ET | Lindab International AB
Som ett led i att accelerera strategin att utveckla ventilationsaffären har Lindab International AB (publ) förvärvat A.C. Manufacturing Ltd. A.C. Manufacturing omsätter runt 6 MEUR och har 40...
Lindab International AB: Lindab acquires Irish ventilation company
December 18, 2017 05:01 ET | Lindab International AB
As part of the accelerated strategy execution to develop its ventilation business, Lindab International AB (publ) has acquired A.C. Manufacturing Ltd with an annual turnover of approximately 6 MEUR...
Lindab International AB (publ): Lindab's interim report for the period January - September 2017
October 26, 2017 01:40 ET | Lindab International AB
Third Quarter 2017 Net sales increased by 2 percent to SEK 2,081 m (2,042), of which organic growth amounted to 2 percent. Adjusted1) operating profit decreased by 15 percent to SEK 162 m...