2023 6 months and II
2023 6 months and II quarter consolidated unaudited interim report
August 03, 2023 01:00 ET | Merko Ehitus AS
COMMENTARY FROM MANAGEMENT Q2 2023 revenue for Merko Ehitus was EUR 142 million and the H1 figure was EUR 217 million. Net profit in Q2 was EUR 13.6 million and net profit for the last six months was...
Ehitusleping Leedus
Ehitusleping Leedus (tuulepargi tuulikualused, drenaaž ja teed)
July 13, 2023 09:00 ET | Merko Ehitus AS
13. juulil 2023 sõlmisid AS Merko Ehitus kontserni kuuluv UAB Merko Statyba ning UAB LT Energija lepingu 40 tuulikualuse, drenaaži ja teede rajamiseks Leedus, Pagėgiai omavalitsuses asuvas...
Construction contrac
Construction contract in Lithuania (wind farm foundations, drainage and roads)
July 13, 2023 09:00 ET | Merko Ehitus AS
On 13 July 2023 UAB Merko Statyba, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, and UAB LT Energija entered into the contract to perform the construction of foundations for 40 wind turbines, drainage and roads in a...
Kontserni tütarettev
Kontserni tütarettevõtete struktuuri korrastamine (Läti, Eesti)
July 05, 2023 11:30 ET | Merko Ehitus AS
ASi Merko Ehitus kontserni struktuuri ülevaatuse tulemusel otsustati algatada Lätis ühisettevõtte PS „Merko Infra Remus Elektro“ lõpetamine, tulenevalt selles äriühingus sisulise tegevuse puudumisest....
Adjustments to the s
Adjustments to the structure of the group’s subsidiaries (Latvia, Estonia)
July 05, 2023 11:30 ET | Merko Ehitus AS
As a result of a review of the structure of the AS Merko Ehitus group, it was decided to initiate termination of Latvian joint venture PS “Merko Infra Remus Elektro”, due to the lack of activity in...
SIA Merks juhatuse l
SIA Merks juhatuse liikme nimetamine
July 05, 2023 01:00 ET | Merko Ehitus AS
AS Merko Ehituse kontserni kuuluva ettevõtte SIA Merks ainuaktsionär otsustas nimetada ettevõtte juhatuse liikmeks Jānis Zilgme, volituste tähtaja algusega 04. juuli 2023, vastutusvaldkondadega...
Appointment of a Mem
Appointment of a Member of the Management Board of SIA Merks
July 05, 2023 01:00 ET | Merko Ehitus AS
The sole shareholder of SIA Merks, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, decided to appoint Mr. Jānis Zilgme as a Member of the Management Board of the company, starting from 04 July 2023, with the areas of...
AS Merko Ehitus divi
AS Merko Ehitus dividendimakse ex-päev on 2. juuni 2023
May 30, 2023 01:00 ET | Merko Ehitus AS
AS Merko Ehitus (väärtpaberi lühinimi MRK1T, ISIN kood EE3100098328) fikseerib aktsionäride nimekirja dividendi maksmiseks 5. juunil 2023 arveldussüsteemi tööpäeva lõpu seisuga. Ülaltoodust...
Dividend payment ex-
Dividend payment ex-date of AS Merko Ehitus is 2 June 2023
May 30, 2023 01:00 ET | Merko Ehitus AS
AS Merko Ehitus (trading code MRK1T, ISIN code EE3100098328) will fix the list of shareholders for dividend payment as of the close of the business of the settlement system on 5 June 2023. ...
Appointment of a Mem
Appointment of a Member of the Management Board of AS Merko Ehitus and Member of the Supervisory Board of AS Merko Ehitus Eesti
May 26, 2023 10:00 ET | Merko Ehitus AS
The Supervisory Board of AS Merko Ehitus decided to appoint Mr. Urmas Somelar as a Member of the Management Board of the company for the three-year period, starting from 1 June 2023, with the areas of...