- Skilanefnd Glitnis tekur yfir hlutafé Moderna Finance AB
March 17, 2009 04:40 ET | Moderna Finance AB
Skilanefnd Glitnis hefur með samkomulagi við Milestone ehf. í dag gengið að veðum í öllu hlutafé í Moderna Finance AB dótturfélagi Milestone ehf. í Svíþjóð. Með þessu færast yfirráð yfir íslenskum...
- Glitnir's Resolution Committee takes over share capital of Moderna Finance AB
March 17, 2009 04:40 ET | Moderna Finance AB
Glitnir's Resolution Committee has reached agreement with Milestone ehf., enforcing its charge on the entire share capital of Moderna Finance AB, a subsidiary of Milestone ehf. in Sweden. In so...
CORRECTION: - Milestones's foreign assets disposed of and domestic assets trasferred to Iceland - Published: 2009-03-03 10:14:56 CET
March 03, 2009 04:35 ET | Moderna Finance AB
Correction: Announcement should have been published under the company name of Milestone Moderna Finance AB, a subsidiary of Milestone ehf. in Sweden, has concluded agreements for the sale of...
Leiðrétting: - Erlendar eignir Milestone seldar og innlendar eignir færðar til Íslands - Birt 2009-03-03 10:14:56 CET
March 03, 2009 04:35 ET | Moderna Finance AB
Leiðrétting: Frétt átti að birtast undir fyrirtækinu Milestone. Moderna Finance AB, dótturfélag Milestone ehf. í Svíþjóð, hefur undirritað samninga um sölu á skaðatryggingafélaginu Moderna...
- Milestones's foreign assets disposed of and domestic assets trasferred to Iceland
March 03, 2009 04:14 ET | Moderna Finance AB
Moderna Finance AB, a subsidiary of Milestone ehf. in Sweden, has concluded agreements for the sale of its insurance company Moderna Försäkringar and its asset management company Aktie Ansvar. The...
- Erlendar eignir Milestone seldar og innlendar eignir færðar til Íslands
March 03, 2009 04:14 ET | Moderna Finance AB
Moderna Finance AB, dótturfélag Milestone ehf. í Svíþjóð, hefur undirritað samninga um sölu á skaðatryggingafélaginu Moderna Forsäkringar og sjóðstýringarfyrirtækinu Aktie-Ansvar. Þá stefnir félagið...
- Update on effects on Moderna Finance financial position due to the turbulence on the Icelandic and world financial markets
November 18, 2008 04:19 ET | Moderna Finance AB
The financial turbulence on the Iceland financial market has negatively impacted Moderna Finance's owner, the Icelandic company Milestone. According to a press release dated November 13, 2008,...
- Update on effects on Moderna Finance financial position due to the turbulence on the Icelandic and world financial markets
November 18, 2008 04:19 ET | Moderna Finance AB
The financial turbulence on the Iceland financial market has negatively impacted  Moderna Finance's owner, the Icelandic company Milestone. According to a press  release dated November 13, 2008, Mil...
- Bill (MODF 08 1121) admitting to trading 3 September 2008
September 03, 2008 05:05 ET | Moderna Finance AB
Issuer: Moderna Finance AB ID no. 556594-1787, Icelandic ID no. 440308-9960 BOX 2095 103 13 STOCKHOLM Date of admission: 03/09/2008 Symbol: MODF 08...
- Víxill (MODF 08 1121) tekinn til viðskipta 3. september 2008
September 03, 2008 05:05 ET | Moderna Finance AB
Útgefandi: Moderna Finance AB Kt. 556594-1787, íslensk kt. 440308-9960 BOX 2095 103 13 STOCKHOLM Skráningardagur: 03/09/2008 Auðkenni: MODF 08...