OEM International's Annual Report now available on its website www.oem.se
March 23, 2016 04:00 ET | OEM International AB
OEM International AB's annual report for 2015 has now been published at www.oem.se. This information is of the type that the company is obliged to publish in accordance with the Swedish Securities...
Financial Statement Full Year 2015
February 18, 2016 08:00 ET | OEM International AB
Fourth quarter 2015 · Incoming orders rose 13% to SEK 577 million (512) · Net sales rose 15% to SEK 581 million (507) · Operating profit (EBITA) rose 27% to SEK 64 million (50) · Profit...
Bokslutskommuniké Helåret 2015
February 18, 2016 08:00 ET | OEM International AB
Fjärde kvartalet 2015 · Orderingången ökade med 13 % till 577 MSEK (512) · Nettoomsättningen ökade med 15 % till 581 MSEK (507) · Rörelseresultat (EBITA) ökade med 27 % till 64 MSEK (50) ·...
Interim report Q3 2015
October 20, 2015 08:00 ET | OEM International AB
Third quarter 2015 · Incoming orders rose 14% to SEK 517 million (453) · Net sales rose 18% to SEK 530 million (448) · Operating profit (EBITA) rose 21% to SEK 65 million (54) · Profit before...
Delårsrapport Q3 2015
October 20, 2015 08:00 ET | OEM International AB
Tredje kvartalet 2015 · Orderingången ökade med 14 % till 517 MSEK (453) · Nettoomsättningen ökade med 18 % till 530 MSEK (448) · Rörelseresultat (EBITA) ökade med 21 % till 65 MSEK (54) ·...
Valberedning inför OEM International AB:s årsstämma 2016
October 15, 2015 09:00 ET | OEM International AB
Vid årsstämman 23 april, 2015 beslutades att valberedningen ska utgöras av en representant för var och en av de minst tre och högst fyra största aktieägarna i bolaget samt styrelseordföranden. Om...
Nomination Committee in advance of OEM International AB's Annual General Meeting 2016.
October 15, 2015 09:00 ET | OEM International AB
At the AGM, 23 April 2015, it was decided that the Nomination Committee should consist of a representative for each of the three smallest and at the most 4 of the largest shareholders in the company...
OEM International acquires ATC Tape Converting AB
August 27, 2015 02:30 ET | OEM International AB
OEM International has today signed an agreement to acquire all shares in ATC Tape Converting AB. ATC Tape Converting, with head office in Swedish Järfälla, converts and markets industrial tape and has...
OEM International förvärvar ATC Tape Converting AB
August 27, 2015 02:30 ET | OEM International AB
OEM International har idag tecknat avtal om förvärv av ATC Tape Converting AB. ATC Tape Converting, med huvudkontor i Järfälla, konverterar och marknadsför industriella tejper med en årlig omsättning...
Interim report Q2 2015
July 13, 2015 05:00 ET | OEM International AB
Second quarter 2015 · Incoming orders rose 17 % till 545 MSEK (466) · Net sales rose 20% to SEK 557 million (466) · Operating profit (EBITA) rose 21% to SEK 56 million (46) · Profit before...