OEG: Ühinemislepingu
OEG: Ühinemislepingu sõlmimine Odyssey Europe AS-iga
August 06, 2018 11:36 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS („OEG”) informeerib ühinemislepingu („Ühinemisleping“) sõlmimisest oma emaettevõtja, Odyssey Europe AS-iga („Odyssey“). Vastavalt Ühinemislepingule ühendab...
OEG: Conclusion of m
OEG: Conclusion of merger agreement with Odyssey Europe AS
August 06, 2018 11:36 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS (“OEG“) hereby informs of its entry into a merger agreement (the “Agreement”) with its parent company, Odyssey Europe AS (the “Odyssey”). Pursuant to the Agreement, OEG...
OEG: Taotlus aktsiat
OEG: Taotlus aktsiate ülevõtmiseks ühinemise käigus
August 06, 2018 09:16 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS („OEG”) juhatus informeerib, et on saanud taotluse OEG aktsionärilt, Odyssey Europe AS-ilt („Põhiaktsionär“) OEG vähemusaktsionäridele („Vähemusaktsionärid“) kuuluvate...
OEG: Application for
OEG: Application for squeeze-out of the shares in the course of a merger
August 06, 2018 09:16 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
The management board of Olympic Entertainment Group AS (“OEG”) hereby informs of the receipt of an application from its shareholder Odyssey Europe AS (“the Majority Shareholder”) for the takeover of...
OEG: Kohtumäärus seo
OEG: Kohtumäärus seoses 29.06.2018 üldkoosolekul vastuvõetud otsustega
August 03, 2018 13:28 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS (“OEG”) informeerib, et Harju Maakohus on 03.08.2018 teinud määruse, millega keelas hagi tagamise korras OEG-l aktsiakapitali suurendamise 29. juuni 2018 aktsionäride...
OEG: Court ruling re
OEG: Court ruling regarding resolutions adopted at 29 June 2018 general meeting of shareholders
August 03, 2018 13:28 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS („OEG“) hereby informs of Harju County Court ruling, dated 3 August 2018, in which the court banned increasing the share capital of OEG on the basis of sections 4.7 and...
OEG: Consolidated un
OEG: Consolidated unaudited results for Q2 and 6 months of 2018
July 26, 2018 02:00 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
 Key performance indicators of the Group   6M 20186M 20176M 2016Revenue before gaming taxesm€106.6104.499.2Gaming taxm€-22.9-21.6-22.9Net revenuem€83.882.876.3Total net revenue and...
OEG ärisegmentide au
OEG ärisegmentide auditeerimata hasartmängutulud 2018. aasta 2. kvartal ja 6 kuud
July 12, 2018 02:00 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Ärisegmentide hasartmängutulud enne hasartmängumakse (miljonites eurodes)        II kv 2018       II kv 2017     Muutus Eesti 10,2 11,2 -9,1% Läti 15,5 15,1 2,2% Leedu 6,0 6,3 -4,8% ...
OEG’s operating segm
OEG’s operating segments unaudited gaming revenues for the Q2 and 6 months of 2018
July 12, 2018 02:00 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Gaming revenues before gaming taxes by operating segments (in EUR millions)       Q2 2018     Q2 2017     Change Estonia 10.2 11.2 -9.1% Latvia 15.5 ...