OEG: Olympic Casino
OEG: Olympic Casino to expand and open its largest casino in Malta’s most attractive tourism region
January 19, 2015 00:00 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) is beginning the provision of casino management services in Malta. For the Malta operations subsidiaries OEG Malta Holding Limited and OEG Malta Gaming Limited have...
OEG: Olympic laieneb
OEG: Olympic laieneb Maltale ja avab oma suurima kasiino aktiivseimas turismipiirkonnas
January 19, 2015 00:00 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) asub osutama kasiino juhtimisteenuseid Maltal. Malta tegevuse jaoks on Maltal asutatud tütarühingud OEG Malta Holding Limited ja OEG Malta Gaming Limited. OEG omab...
OEG’s operating segm
OEG’s operating segments unaudited gaming revenues for the Q4 and 12 months of 2014
January 13, 2015 02:00 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Gaming revenues by operating segments (in EUR millions)   Q4 2014 Q4...
OEG ärisegmentide au
OEG ärisegmentide auditeerimata hasartmängutulud 2014. aasta IV kvartal ja 12 kuud
January 13, 2015 02:00 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Ärisegmentide hasartmängutulud (miljonites eurodes)   IV kv 2014 IV kv...
OEG: aktsiaoptsiooni
OEG: aktsiaoptsiooniprogramm
December 23, 2014 12:00 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS-i (edaspidi Aktsiaselts) nõukogu kinnitas aktsiaoptsiooniprogrammi põhitingimused. Aktsiaoptsiooni programmi raames väljastab Aktsiaselts kokku...
OEG: Share Option Pr
OEG: Share Option Program
December 23, 2014 12:00 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
The Supervisory Board of Olympic Entertainment Group AS (hereinafter the Company) approved the terms and conditions of share option program. The Company shall issue in total up to 1,000,000...
OEG: Financial calen
OEG: Financial calendar 2015
December 19, 2014 10:20 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
In 2015, the unaudited consolidated financial results of Olympic Entertainment Group AS will be published on the following dates: 1-12/2014 26.02.2015 1-3/2015 28.04.2015 1-6/2015...
OEG: Finantskalender
OEG: Finantskalender 2015
December 19, 2014 10:20 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS avaldab 2015. aastal auditeerimata konsolideeritud finantstulemused järgmiselt: 1-12/2014 26.02.2015 1-3/2015 28.04.2015 1-6/2015 28.07.2015 1-9/2015...
OEG: Prolongation of
OEG: Prolongation of terms of office for the CEO and COO
December 10, 2014 10:30 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Due to the expiry of the term of office for the members of the Management Board CEO Mr. Madis Jääger and COO Mr. Meelis Pielberg on 31 December 2014, the Supervisory Board of Olympic Entertainment...
OEG: juhatuse esimeh
OEG: juhatuse esimehe ja juhatuse liikme volituste pikendamine
December 10, 2014 10:30 ET | Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Seoses juhatuse esimehe Madis Jääger’i ja juhatuse liikme Meelis Pielberg’i volituste lõppemisega 31.12.2014 otsustas Olympic Entertainment Group AS-i nõukogu pikendada Madis Jääger’i ja Meelis...