November 21, 2022 00:00 ET | PRFoods
  AS PRFOODS TAGATUD VÕLAKIRJADE TAGASIOST AS PRFoods (registrikood 11560713; aadress Pärnu mnt 141, 11314 Tallinn, Eesti; edaspidi „PRFoods“ või „Emitent“) teavitas oma 05.09.2022 avaldatud...
November 10, 2022 12:55 ET | PRFoods
AS PRFOODS KORRALISE ÜLDKOOSOLEKU KOKKUKUTSUMISE TEADE AS PRFoods (registrikood 11560713; asukoht Tallinn, Eesti Vabariik) kutsub käesolevaga kokku aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku, mis...
Notice of Convening
Notice of Convening Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AS PRFoods
November 10, 2022 12:55 ET | PRFoods
Notice of Convening Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of as PRFoods AS PRFoods (registry code 11560713; location Tallinn, Republic of Estonia), hereby announces the annual general meeting of...
PRFoods auditeeritud
PRFoods auditeeritud konsolideeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2021/2022
October 31, 2022 17:49 ET | PRFoods
PRFoods auditeeritud konsolideeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2021/2022 Juhtkonna kommentaar 2021/2022 majandusaasta tõi kaasa suuremad muutused ettevõtte struktuuris. Võõrandati püsivalt...
PRFoods Consolidated
PRFoods Consolidated Audited Annual Report 2021/2022
October 31, 2022 17:49 ET | PRFoods
PRFoods Consolidated Audited Annual Report 2021/2022 Management Commentary The 2021/2022 financial year led to major changes in the corporate structure. The persistently loss-making Finnish...
Muutub Saare Kala To
Muutub Saare Kala Tootmine OÜ juhatuse koosseis
October 24, 2022 01:00 ET | PRFoods
AS-i PRFoods kontserni kuuluva Saare Kala Tootmine OÜ juhatusse valitakse uue liikmena Timo Pärn ja senine liige Dagni Viskus juhatuse volitused lõppevad 28.10.2022 seoses lapsehoolduspuhkusele...
Changes in Managemen
Changes in Management Board of Saare Kala Tootmine OÜ
October 24, 2022 01:00 ET | PRFoods
Timo Pärn shall be elected to the management board of Saare Kala Tootmine OÜ, which is part of the PRFoods group, as a new member and the current member Dagni Viskus' leaves the management board on...
PRF: AS’i PRFoods 20
PRF: AS’i PRFoods 2022/2023. majandusaasta 1. kvartali ja 3 kuu esialgne konsolideeritud auditeerimata müügikäive
October 10, 2022 16:11 ET | PRFoods
PRF: AS’i PRFoods 2022/2023. majandusaasta 1. kvartali ja 3 kuu esialgne konsolideeritud auditeerimata müügikäive PRFoodsi 2022/2023. aasta esimese kvartali auditeerimata esialgne konsolideeritud...
PRF: AS PRFoods’ una
PRF: AS PRFoods’ unaudited preliminary consolidated turnover of the 1st quarter and 3 months of the 2022/2023 financial year
October 10, 2022 16:11 ET | PRFoods
PRF: AS PRFoods’ unaudited preliminary consolidated turnover of the 1st quarter and 3 months of the 2022/2023 financial year PRFoods’ unaudited preliminary consolidated turnover in the 1st quarter...
Completion of the Tr
Completion of the Transfer of the Shares of Överumans Fisk AB
September 21, 2022 01:45 ET | PRFoods
Completion of the Transfer of the Shares of Överumans Fisk AB The preconditions for the completion of the transaction set forth in the agreement on the transfer of 100% of the shares of Överumans...