Pro Kapital Council
Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for I Quarter and 3 Months of 2024 (Unaudited)
May 28, 2024 03:45 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
  MANAGEMENT REPORT Real Estate Development In 2024, we are continuing the construction and sales activities of the last stage of Kalaranna 8, Tallinn. The final stage consists of 4...
Pro Kapital Council
Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for I Quarter and 3 Months of 2024 (Unaudited)
May 28, 2024 03:45 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
  MANAGEMENT REPORT Real Estate Development In 2024, we are continuing the construction and sales activities of the last stage of Kalaranna 8, Tallinn. The final stage...
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Start of construction work on the Uus-Kindrali
May 20, 2024 03:52 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
  Start of construction work on the Uus-Kindrali Pro Kapital has started the construction of the next phase of the Kindrali Houses project in Tallinn Kristiine City. The building...
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Uus-Kindrali ehitustöödega alustamine
May 20, 2024 03:52 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
  Uus-Kindrali ehitustöödega alustamine Pro Kapital alustas Tallinnas Kristiine Citys Kindrali Majade projekti järgmise etapi ehitustöid, mille käigus valmib 90 korteri ja ühe äripinnaga...
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Start of construction work on the Uus-Kindrali
May 20, 2024 03:52 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
Start of construction work on the Uus-Kindrali Pro Kapital has started the construction of the next phase of the Kindrali Houses project in Tallinn Kristiine City. The building at Talli...
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Establishment of a new subsidiary of the group
May 17, 2024 05:05 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
Establishment of a new subsidiary of the group AS Pro Kapital Grupp announces that a subsidiary company of the group, AS Pro Kapital Eesti, has established a new subsidiary, OÜ Pro...
Kontserni uue tütare
Kontserni uue tütarettevõtte asutamine
May 17, 2024 05:05 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
Kontserni uue tütarettevõtte asutamine AS Pro Kapital Grupp teatab, et kontserni kuuluv tütarettevõte, AS Pro Kapital Eesti, asutas uue tütarettevõtte, OÜ Pro Kapital Engineering. Uue tütarettevõtte...
Establishment of a n
Establishment of a new subsidiary of the group
May 17, 2024 05:05 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
Establishment of a new subsidiary of the group AS Pro Kapital Grupp announces that a subsidiary company of the group, AS Pro Kapital Eesti, has established a new subsidiary, OÜ Pro Kapital...
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Changes in financial calendar
April 29, 2024 03:05 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
According to the AS Pro Kapital Grupp 2024 financial calendar, the Company should publish its 2024 Q1 unaudited results on 17 May 2024. AS Pro Kapital Grupp announces that the 2024 Q1 unaudited...
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Changes in financial calendar
April 29, 2024 03:05 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
According to the AS Pro Kapital Grupp 2024 financial calendar, the Company should publish its 2024 Q1 unaudited results on 17 May 2024. AS Pro Kapital Grupp announces that the 2024 Q1 unaudited...