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Muudatused finantskalendris
April 29, 2024 03:05 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
AS Pro Kapital Grupp 2024 finantskalendri järgi peaks ettevõte avaldama 2024 aasta I kvartali auditeerimata majandustulemused 17. mail 2024. AS Pro Kapital Grupp annab teada, et avaldab 2024 aasta I...
AS Pro Kapital Grupp
AS Pro Kapital Grupp aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumise teade
April 29, 2024 03:00 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
AS PRO KAPITAL GRUPPAKTSIONÄRIDEKORRALISE ÜLDKOOSOLEKUKOKKUKUTSUMISE TEADE   Lugupeetud AS Pro Kapital Grupp aktsionär,   Teatame, et AS Pro Kapital Grupp (registrikood...
Notice of Calling th
Notice of Calling the Annual General Meeting of AS Pro Kapital Grupp Shareholders
April 29, 2024 03:00 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
NOTICE OF CALLING THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OFAS PRO KAPITAL GRUPPSHAREHOLDERS   Dear shareholder of AS Pro Kapital Grupp,   We announce that the Management Board is calling for...
Notice of Calling th
Notice of Calling the Annual General Meeting of AS Pro Kapital Grupp Shareholders
April 29, 2024 03:00 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
NOTICE OF CALLING THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OFAS PRO KAPITAL GRUPPSHAREHOLDERS   Dear shareholder of AS Pro Kapital Grupp,   We announce that the Management...
AS Pro Kapital Grupp
AS Pro Kapital Grupp auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2023
April 12, 2024 12:10 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
AS-i Pro Kapital Grupp nõukogu on kinnitanud ettevõtte 2023. aasta auditeeritud aastaaruande. 27. veebruaril avaldatud auditeerimata vahearuandega võrreldes ei ole auditeeritud aastaaruandes olulisi...
Audited annual repor
Audited annual report 2023 of AS Pro Kapital Grupp
April 12, 2024 12:10 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
The Supervisory Board of AS Pro Kapital Grupp has approved the company's audited annual report for 2023. Compared to the unaudited interim report published on 27 February there are no material...
Audited annual repor
Audited annual report 2023 of AS Pro Kapital Grupp
April 12, 2024 12:10 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
The Supervisory Board of AS Pro Kapital Grupp has approved the company's audited annual report for 2023. Compared to the unaudited interim report published on 27 February there are no material...
Muudatused finantska
Muudatused finantskalendris
March 28, 2024 06:30 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
AS Pro Kapital Grupp 2024 finantskalendri järgi peaks ettevõte avaldama 2023 aasta auditeeritud majandustulemused 30. aprillil 2024. AS Pro Kapital Grupp annab teada, et avaldab 2023. aasta...
Changes in financial
Changes in financial calender
March 28, 2024 06:30 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
According to the AS Pro Kapital Grupp 2024 financial calendar, the Company should publish its audited financial results for 2023 on 30 April 2024. AS Pro Kapital Grupp announces that it will publish...
Changes in financial
Changes in financial calender
March 28, 2024 06:30 ET | Pro Kapital Grupp
According to the AS Pro Kapital Grupp 2024 financial calendar, the Company should publish its audited financial results for 2023 on 30 April 2024. AS Pro Kapital Grupp announces that it will...