CDON Group becomes Qliro Group
January 07, 2015 09:00 ET | Qliro Group AB
Qliro Group AB (publ.), former CDON Group AB (publ.), today announced that Bolagsverket (Swedish Companies Registration Office) has registered the new articles of Association decided by the...
CDON Group blir Qliro Group
January 07, 2015 09:00 ET | Qliro Group AB
Qliro Group AB (publ.), före detta CDON Group AB (publ.), meddelade idag att Bolagsverket har registrerat den nya bolagsordning som beslutades vid den extra bolagsstämman i Stockholm den 21 november...
Förändring av antalet aktier och röster i CDON Group
December 30, 2014 07:00 ET | Qliro Group AB
CDON Group AB (publ) (under namnändring till Qliro Group) meddelade idag att det sammanlagda antalet aktier i CDON Group uppgår till 150 444 779. Ökningen av antalet aktier hänför sig till 49 756 593...
Change in the number of shares and votes in CDON Group
December 30, 2014 07:00 ET | Qliro Group AB
CDON Group AB (publ) (under name change to Qliro Group) today announced that the total number of shares in CDON Group amounts to 150,444,779. The increase of the number of shares is due to an issue of...
Slutligt utfall i CDON Groups företrädesemission
December 30, 2014 02:00 ET | Qliro Group AB
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Final outcome in CDON Group’s rights issue
December 30, 2014 02:00 ET | Qliro Group AB
This press release may not be announced, published or distributed, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, in the United States, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong or Australia or any other country where...
CDON Group’s rights issue fully subscribed
December 18, 2014 10:00 ET | Qliro Group AB
This press release may not be announced, published or distributed, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, in the United States, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong or Australia or any other country where...
CDON Groups företrädesemission fulltecknad
December 18, 2014 10:00 ET | Qliro Group AB
Detta pressmeddelande får inte offentliggöras, publiceras eller distribueras, till sin helhet eller i delar, direkt eller indirekt i USA, Kanada, Japan, Hongkong eller Australien eller något annat...
Qliro Payment Solution is now launched in Sweden
December 01, 2014 05:00 ET | Qliro Group AB
CDON Group AB (under name change to Qliro Group), today announced that they have launched Qliro Payment Solution for invoice- and instalment payments on the Group's internet stores Nelly, NLYman,...
Betaltjänsten Qliro nu lanserad i Sverige
December 01, 2014 05:00 ET | Qliro Group AB
CDON Group AB (under namnändring till Qliro Group), meddelade idag att de har lanserat betaltjänsten Qliro för fakturabetalning samt delbetalning på koncernens internetbutiker Nelly, NLYman, Lekmer...