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RapidPulse Receives FDA Approval to Begin IDE Study in Ischemic Stroke Using Innovative Cyclic Aspiration System – Recently Completed Clinical Trial Shows Significantly Higher First Pass and Frontline Success Rates
December 11, 2024 10:30 ET | RapidPulse, Inc
MIAMI, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RapidPulse, Inc., a Delaware corporation headquartered in Miami, Florida focused on improving the treatment success rate for acute ischemic stroke (AIS)...
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Study Investigators Conclude RapidPulse™ Precise Cyclic Aspiration Is Highly Effective and Safe for Ischemic Stroke Large Vessel Occlusions
April 04, 2024 09:04 ET | RapidPulse, Inc
Study Investigators Conclude RapidPulse™ Precise Cyclic Aspiration Is Highly Effective and Safe for Ischemic Stroke Large Vessel Occlusions
June 23, 2021 16:53 ET | RapidPulse, Inc
迈阿密, June 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RapidPulse, Inc.是一家私营医疗器械公司,致力于开发一种新型的抽吸系统来治疗缺血性中风。该公司今天宣布完成1500万美元的首轮融资。本轮融资由Santé Ventures领投,Epidarex Capital、Hatteras Ventures Partners、Broadview...
RapidPulse Lança, com Financiamento de US$15 milhões da série A, Terapia de AVC Isquêmico
June 23, 2021 16:53 ET | RapidPulse, Inc
MIAMI, June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A RapidPulse, Inc., uma empresa privada de dispositivos médicos desenvolvendo um novo sistema de aspiração para tratamento de AVC isquêmico, anunciou hoje o...
RapidPulse Dilancarkan Dengan Pembiayaan Siri A $15 Juta untuk Terapi Angin Ahmar Iskemia
June 23, 2021 16:53 ET | RapidPulse, Inc
MIAMI, June 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RapidPulse, Inc., syarikat peranti perubatan persendirian yang membangunkan sistem pernafasan baharu untuk merawat angin ahmar iskemia, hari ini mengumumpakn...
RapidPulse, 허혈성 뇌졸중 치료를 위한 1,500만 달러 규모 Series A 파이낸싱 완료
June 23, 2021 16:53 ET | RapidPulse, Inc
미국 마이애미, June 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 허혈성 뇌졸중 치료를 위한 새로운 방식의 흡인 시스템을 개발하는 비상장 의료기기 기업 RapidPulse, Inc.는 1,500만 달러 규모 Series A 파이낸싱을 완료한다고 밝혔다. 이번 파이낸싱은 Santé Ventures가 주도했으며 Epidarex Capital,...
June 23, 2021 16:53 ET | RapidPulse, Inc
マイアミ発, June 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 虚血性脳卒中治療用に新奇の吸引システムを開発する非上場の医療機器企業RapidPulse (RapidPulse, Inc.) は本日、1,500万ドル (約16億6,500万円) のシリーズA資金調達を完了したことを発表した。この資金調達は、サンテ・ベンチャーズ (Santé Ventures)...
RapidPulse startet mit 15 Millionen US-Dollar aus Finanzierungsrunde der Serie A für ischämische Schlaganfalltherapie
June 23, 2021 16:53 ET | RapidPulse, Inc
MIAMI, June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RapidPulse, Inc., ein privates Medizinprodukteunternehmen, das ein neuartiges Aspirationssystem zur Behandlung von ischämischem Schlaganfall entwickelt, hat...
RapidPulse se lance avec un financement de série A de 15 millions de dollars pour le traitement des accidents vasculaires cérébraux ischémiques
June 23, 2021 16:53 ET | RapidPulse, Inc
MIAMI, 23 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RapidPulse, Inc., une société privée spécialisée dans les dispositifs médicaux qui développe un nouveau système d'aspiration pour traiter les accidents...
RapidPulse 為缺血性中風治療推出 1,500 萬美元的 A 系列融資
June 23, 2021 16:53 ET | RapidPulse, Inc
美國邁阿密, June 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RapidPulse, Inc. 作為一家私人持有的醫療裝置公司,現正開發一種治療缺血性中風的新型抽吸系統,今天宣佈完成 1,500 萬美元的 A 系列融資。該融資由 Santé Ventures 領投,並獲 Epidarex Capital、Hatteras Venture Partners、Broadview...