ReadSoft tecknar avtal med utbildningsdepartementet i delstaten New South Wales i Australien
April 22, 2014 03:30 ET | ReadSoft AB
Utbildningsdepartementet (Department of Education, DEC) i den australiensiska delstaten New South Wales, samt dess tillhörande kommuner, har valt ReadSofts SAP®-certifierade lösning PROCESS DIRECTOR...
ReadSoft signs contract with NSW Department of Education and Communities in Australia
April 22, 2014 03:30 ET | ReadSoft AB
The New South Wales Department of Education and Communities, the largest single organization, public or private, in Australia, has chosen ReadSoft’s SAP ® -certified invoice automation solution to...
ReadSofts årsredovisning för 2013 offentliggjord
April 07, 2014 10:30 ET | ReadSoft AB
ReadSofts årsredovisning för 2013 publiceras idag på bolagets hemsida Den tryckta versionen av årsredovisningen kommer att distribueras till de aktieägare och andra intressenter som...
ReadSoft's Annual Report for 2013 published
April 07, 2014 10:30 ET | ReadSoft AB
ReadSoft's annual report for 2013 (the Swedish version) has been published today on the company’s website The printed version of the Annual Report will be distributed to shareholders...
ReadSoft debuts latest release of Accounts Payable workflow automation at COLLABORATE 14
April 01, 2014 08:00 ET | ReadSoft AB
ReadSoft, an Oracle Platinum Partner and leading global provider of financial process automation applications, will present for the first time publicly, PROCESSIT 7.3.1 at COLLABORATE 14 in Las Vegas,...
ReadSoft lanserar den senaste versionen av PROCESSIT på den internationella konferensen COLLABORATE 14 i Las Vegas
April 01, 2014 08:00 ET | ReadSoft AB
ReadSoft, en världsledande leverantör av finansiell processautomation och Oracle Platinum Partner, presenterar för första gången officiellt PROCESSIT 7.3.1 på COLLABORATE 14-konferensen i Las Vegas,...
Notification of the Annual General Meeting of ReadSoft AB (publ)
March 25, 2014 09:00 ET | ReadSoft AB
The shareholders in ReadSoft AB are hereby invited to the Annual General Meeting (“Meeting”) on Monday April 28, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. CET at Hotel Marina Plaza, Kungstorget 6, Helsingborg,...
Kallelse till årsstämma i ReadSoft AB (publ)
March 25, 2014 09:00 ET | ReadSoft AB
Aktieägarna i ReadSoft AB (publ) kallas härmed till årsstämma måndagen den 28 april 2014 kl. 15.00 på Hotel Marina Plaza, Kungstorget 6, Helsingborg. Anmälan Aktieägare som önskar delta i årsstämman...
ReadSoft tecknar avtal värt 5,8 MSEK med ledande europeisk leverantör av kontorsmaterial
March 19, 2014 05:00 ET | ReadSoft AB
ReadSoft har tecknat ett avtal, värt 5,8 MSEK, med en ledande leverantör av kontorsmateriel och tillhörande tjänster. Kunden har valt att gå från flera olika affärssystem till en servicecenterlösning...
ReadSoft signs deal worth 650,000 EUR with leading European office supplies and services company
March 19, 2014 05:00 ET | ReadSoft AB
ReadSoft has signed a deal worth 650,000 EUR with a leading European office supplies and services company. The customer has decided to unify all their current ERP-systems into a single SAP client...