AS “Reverta” noslēgu
AS “Reverta” noslēgusi līgumu ar „KPMG Baltics”
August 05, 2016 06:52 ET | Reverta
Atbilstoši konsultanta atlases komisijas rekomendācijai akciju sabiedrība „Reverta” ir noslēgusi līgumu ar SIA „KMPG Baltics” par konsultāciju sniegšanu ”Revertas” kredītportfeļu  un nekustamā...
AS „Reverta” ir veik
AS „Reverta” ir veikusi kārtējo maksājumu Valsts kasei 5,5 miljonu eiro
July 06, 2016 03:17 ET | Reverta
Akciju sabiedrība „Reverta” ir veikusi kārtējo maksājumu Valsts kasei 5,5 miljonu eiro apmērā, tādējādi 2016. gada pirmajos sešos  mēnešos Valsts kase no „Revertas” ir saņēmusi 30,1 miljonu...
JSC Reverta has made
JSC Reverta has made another regular payment to the State Treasury in the amount of EUR 5.5 m
July 06, 2016 03:17 ET | Reverta
Joint-Stock Company Reverta has made another regular payment to the State Treasury in the amount of EUR 5.5 m, thus in first six months of 2016 Reverta has paid the Treasury a total of EUR 30.1 m –...
Reverta’s financial
Reverta’s financial statement schedule for 2016
June 27, 2016 09:15 ET | Reverta
Joint-Stock Company Reverta informs that submission of the interim abridged financial statements has been scheduled for the following dates: 6 months report – 24 - 31 August 2016; 9 months...
AS “Reverta” 2016. g
AS “Reverta” 2016. gada finanšu pārskatu kalendārs
June 27, 2016 09:15 ET | Reverta
AS “Reverta” informē, ka 2016. gada starpperiodu saīsināto finanšu pārskatu iesniegšana plānota šādos datumos: par 6 mēnešiem - 2016.gada 24.- 31.augustā; par 9 mēnešiem - 2016.gada 23.-...
JSC Reverta Unaudite
JSC Reverta Unaudited Condensed Financial Report 1st Quarter 2016
May 31, 2016 09:13 ET | Reverta
Please see the following attachment....
AS "Reverta" nerevid
AS "Reverta" nerevidēts 2016.g.1.cet.saīsinātais finanšu pārskats
May 31, 2016 09:13 ET | Reverta
Lūdzu skatīt pielikumu....
Par izmaiņām  AS "Re
Par izmaiņām AS "Reverta" valdē
May 30, 2016 05:59 ET | Reverta
Akciju sabiedrība ”Reverta” informē, ka no šā gada 1. jūnija darba attiecības ar uzņēmumu pārtrauks tās valdes loceklis, vecākais viceprezidents Edgars Miļūns, kurš ir nolēmis turpināt profesionālās...
Changes to the Manag
Changes to the Management Board of JSC Reverta
May 30, 2016 05:59 ET | Reverta
Joint Stock Company Reverta informs that its Management Board Member, Senior Vice-President Edgars Miļūns has decided to make a career move to another company and will resign as of 1 June 2016....
Resolutions of AGM o
Resolutions of AGM of Shareholders of JSC Reverta
May 26, 2016 07:39 ET | Reverta
RESOLUTIONS of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of joint stock company „Reverta” held on May 26, 2016 I    On approval of Annual report of joint stock company “Reverta” for...